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Play Button Where can we purchase meat? Play Button naa do a thar beh maa weh ya ma leh?
Play Button We need to inspect the dairy plant. Play Button naa do nwar mwey myo yey chan go sit sey pho lo deh
Play Button We need to inspect the poultry plant. Play Button naa do jek nek mwey myo yey chan go sit sey pho lo deh
Play Button When was the last time these animals were inoculated? Play Button nawk son beh a chayn ga dee ta rayt san dwey ko sek deh yaw gaa phyit Kheh leh?
Play Button Do they need to be vaccinated? Play Button kaa kweh sey to pho lo lar?
Play Button We can provide vaccinations. Play Button naa do kaa kweh sey dwey pey ba meh
Play Button This food is spoiled; please do not eat it. Play Button dee a saa pyek see ney byee, jey zo pyoo byee ma sar ja ba neh
Play Button Are the crops infected with insects? Play Button dee po dwey jawk thee nan myar yaw ga ja ney lar?
Play Button Are the animals infected with parasites? Play Button dee ta rayt san dwey maa kah par yaw ga shee ney lar?
Play Button Where can we purchase vegetables and fruit? Play Button naa do thit thee neh hin thee hin ywek dwey beh maa weh ya ma leh?
Play Button Where can we purchase bread and grains? Play Button naa do pawn mot neh jon beh maa weh ya ma leh?
Play Button Where can we purchase dairy products? Play Button naa do mwey myo yey twek kon dwey beh maa weh ya ma leh?
Play Button Where can we purchase water? Play Button naa do yey beh maa weh ya ma leh?
Play Button We need to examine the herd. Play Button naa do sey phek win deh a thee a ywek myar go sit sey pho lo deh
Play Button We need to examine the animals on the farm. Play Button naa do mwey myo yey chan ga ta rayt san dwey go sit sey pho lo deh
Play Button We need to inspect the slaughterhouse for sanitation. Play Button naa do thar thah yon yeh thant shin mo go sit sey pho lo deh
Play Button We need to inspect the bakery for sanitation. Play Button naa do mot phot saayn yeh thant shin mo go sit sey pho lo deh
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