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Play Button Is there a medical facility nearby? Play Button fu gun yau mo yee mo sor ah? 附近有冇医务所呀?
Play Button Are there any doctors in the area? Play Button ley gor day kui fu gun yau mo yee seng ah? 呢个地区附近有冇医生呀?
Play Button How many beds do you have at the medical facility? Play Button haai yee mo sor gor doh yau gay dor cheung chong ah? 喺医务所个度有几多张床呀?
Play Button How many people work at the hospital? Play Button yau gay dor yan haai yee yuan doh gung jork ah? 有几多人喺医院度工作呀?
Play Button How many nurses? Play Button yau gay dor gor wu see? 有几多个护士?
Play Button Has there been any infectious disease in the area lately? Play Button tsui gun haai ley gor day kui doh yau mo chuen yim bang far sang ah? 最近喺呢个哋区度有冇传染病发生呀?
Play Button Is there a pharmacy? Play Button yau mo york fong ah? 有冇药房呀?
Play Button Is there a building where we could set up a medical facility? Play Button yau mo yat dung lou ho yee bay ngah day yung ley chit lap yat gan yee mo sor ah? 有冇一棵楼可以俾我哋用黎设立一间医务所呀?
Play Button We would like to talk to people about immunization. Play Button ngah day seung tung dee yan gong gwan yu fong yik 我哋想同啲人讲关於防疫
Play Button We would like to talk to people about sanitization. Play Button ngah day seung tung dee yan gong gwan yu waai seng 我哋想同啲人讲关於卫生
Play Button Is there a medical emergency facility? Play Button yau mo gun gup yee liu chit see ah? 有冇紧急医疗设施呀?
Play Button We have to establish a safe working environment. Play Button ngah day yiu geen lap yat gor on chuen ge gung jork wan ging 我哋要建立一个安全嘅工作环境
Play Button We have to hire medical doctors for this facility. Play Button ngah day yiu waai ley gor chit see chang yee seng 我哋要为呢个设施请医生
Play Button We have to hire nurses for this facility. Play Button ngah day yiu waai ley gor chit see chang wu see 我哋要为呢个设施请护士
Play Button We have to hire office personnel for this facility. Play Button ngah day yiu waai ley gor chit see chang barn gung sut yan yuan 我哋要为呢个设施请办公室人员
Play Button We have to hire a custodian for this facility. Play Button ngah day yiu waai ley gor chit see chang ching kit gung yan 我哋要为呢个设施请清沽工人
Play Button Are the local facilities and personnel able to care for the current casualties without U.S. aid? Play Button boon day ge chit see tung maai yan yuan ho yee haai mo mei wun ge ching fong har ying fu yin see ge seung mong mah? 本哋嘅设施同埋人员可以喺冇美援嘅情况下应付现时嘅伤亡吗?
Play Button Is the local drinking water potable? Play Button boon day ge sik sui ho yee yum yung mah? 本地嘅食水可以饮用吗?
Play Button Who determined that the water is potable? Play Button bin gor kuit deng dee sik sui ho yee yum yung ah? 边个决定啲食水可以饮用呀?
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