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Play Button I do not wish to give an interview. Play Button ngah m seung jeep sau choi fong 我唔想接受采访
Play Button He does not wish to give an interview. Play Button kui m seung jeep sau choi fong 佢唔想接受采访
Play Button She does not wish to give an interview. Play Button kui m seung jeep sau choi fong 佢唔想接受采访
Play Button I am not qualified to answer that question. Play Button ngah mo dzee gark wui darp gor gor mun taai 我冇资格回答嗰个问题
Play Button She is not qualified to answer that question. Play Button kui mo dzee gark wui darp gor gor mun taai 佢冇资格回答嗰个问题
Play Button He is not qualified to answer that question. Play Button kui mo dzee gark wui darp gor gor mun taai 佢冇资格回答嗰个问题
Play Button He does not want to answer that question. Play Button kui m seung wui darp gor gor mun taai 佢唔想回答嗰个问题
Play Button She does not want to answer that question. Play Button kui m seung wui darp gor gor mun taai 佢唔想回答嗰个问题
Play Button I will not answer this question. Play Button ngah m wui wui darp ley gor mun taai 我唔会回答呢个问题
Play Button I have no answer at this time. Play Button yin see ngah mo darp on 现时我冇答案
Play Button I would like to stop this interview. Play Button ngah seung teng dzee ley gor choi fong 我想停止呢个采访
Play Button She would like to stop this interview. Play Button kui seung teng dzee ley gor choi fong 佢想停止呢个采访
Play Button He would like to stop this interview. Play Button kui seung teng dzee ley gor choi fong 佢想停止呢个采访
Play Button No comment Play Button but yu dzee ping 不予置评
Play Button Can you please ask the question in simpler language? Play Button lay hor yee yung gan dan ge yu ley mum ley gor mun taai mah? 你可以用简单啲嘅语言黎问呢个问题吗?
Play Button This interview is over. Play Button ley chee choi fong yuen but 呢次采访完毕
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