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Play Button Is there a medical facility nearby? Play Button aadaa kadee aaseedeg ng-a pagpa-aagaasan aa klineeka? Adda kadi asideg nga pagpaagasan a klinika?
Play Button Are there any doctors in the area? Play Button aadaa kadee ooraay aanyaaman ng-a dodoktor eetee loogaar? Adda kadi uray aniaman nga dodoktor iti lugar?
Play Button How many beds do you have at the medical facility? Play Button maano tee aadaa kaanyaayo ng-a katkaatrey idjaay klineeka ng-a pagpa-aagaasan? Mano ti adda kaniayo nga katkatre idiay kilinika nga pagpaagasan?
Play Button How many people work at the hospital? Play Button maano tee aagtatrabaaho ng-a tataat-o idjaay ospeetaal? Mano ti agtatrabaho nga tattao idiay ospital?
Play Button How many nurses? Play Button maano dageetee nanars? Mano dagiti nanars?
Play Button Has there been any infectious disease in the area lately? Play Button naa-adaa-an kaadin tee aanyaa man ng-a maaka-aakar ng-a saakit eetee loogaar kadaageetoy kama-odjyaanana? Naaddaan kadin ti ania- man nga ma- kaakar nga sakit iti lugar kadagitoy kamaudianna?
Play Button Is there a pharmacy? Play Button aadaa kadee eetee parmaashyaa? Adda kadi iti parmasia?
Play Button Is there a building where we could set up a medical facility? Play Button aadaa kadee tee maaysa ng-a pagpataakderan tee klineeka ng-a pagpa-aagaasan? Adda kadi ti maysa nga pagpatakderan ti kilnika nga pagpaagasan?
Play Button We would like to talk to people about immunization. Play Button kayaatmee koomaa tee maakisareeta kadageetee tataa-o ma-eepang gep tee imyooneesaashyon Kayatmi koma ti makisarita kadagiti tattao maipang gep ti imyuni- sasion
Play Button We would like to talk to people about sanitization. Play Button kayaatmee koomaa tee maakisareetaa kadageetee tataa-o maa-eepang-gep eetee saanitaashyon Kayatmi koma ti makisarita kadagiti tattao maipanggep iti sanitasion
Play Button Is there a medical emergency facility? Play Button aadaa kadee pang-imerhensiya ng-a pagpa-aagaasan ng-a klineeka? Adda kadi pang- emerhensia nga pagpaagasan nga klinika?
Play Button We have to establish a safe working environment. Play Button masaapulmee tee mang-pataakder eetee nataalged ng-a paagtrabaahowaan tee aaglawlaw Masapulmi ti mangpatakder iti natalged nga pagtrabahoan ti aglawlaw
Play Button We have to hire medical doctors for this facility. Play Button masaapulmee tee mang-arkeelaa tee dodoktor paara tee daaytoy aa klineeka Masapulmi ti mangarkila ti dodoktor para ti daytoy a klinika
Play Button We have to hire nurses for this facility. Play Button masaapulmee tee mang-arkeelaa tee nanars paara tee daaytoy ng-a klineeka Masapulmi ti mangarkila ti nanars para ti daytoy nga klinika
Play Button We have to hire office personnel for this facility. Play Button masaapulmee tee mang-arkeelaa tataa-o ng-a pang-opiseenaa paara eetee daaytoy ng-a klineeka Masapulmi ti mangarkila ti tattao nga pang-opisina para iti daytoy nga kilnika
Play Button We have to hire a custodian for this facility. Play Button masaapulmee tee mang-arkeelaa tee djaaaneetor paaraa eetee daaytoy aa klineeka Masapulmi ti mangarkila ti dianitor para iti daytoy a klinika
Play Button Are the local facilities and personnel able to care for the current casualties without U.S. aid? Play Button kabaa-elaan ng-aata ng-a aaseekaasuwen eetee lokaal aa klineeka ken eetee tataa-o dageetee aagdamaa ng-a naagsugsoogaatan ooraay aawan toolong tee estaados oneedos? Kabaelan ngata nga asikasuen iti lokal a klinika ken iti tattao dagiti agdama nga nasugsugatan uray awan tulong ti E.U?
Play Button Is the local drinking water potable? Play Button mabaaleen aa maa-eenom tee lokaal aa daanom? Mabalin a mainom ti lokal a danum?
Play Button Who determined that the water is potable? Play Button aaseenoo tee nang-kedeng ng-a mabaaleen ng-a maa-eenom tee daanom? Asinno ti nangkeddeng nga mabalin nga mainom ti danum?
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