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Play Button The name of the village Play Button naamah deysah? nama desa?
Play Button The location of the village Play Button letaak deysah? letak desa?
Play Button Is there road access for cars? Play Button aapah aada jaalahn yaang beesah deelewahtee mobeel? apa ada jalan yang bisa dilewati mobil?
Play Button Is there a road access for four-wheel drive? Play Button aapah aada jaalahn yaang beesah deelewahtee mobeel semaachahm jeep? apa ada jalan yang bisa dilewati mobil semacam jeep?
Play Button Is there a road access for trucks? Play Button aapah aada jaalahn yaang beesah deelewahtee trook? apa ada jalan yang bisa dilewati truk?
Play Button Is the road accessible in the winter? Play Button aapah jaalahn eetoo beesah deelewahtee paada moosim ding-in? apa jalan itu bisa dilewati pada musim dingin?
Play Button What is the number of the current population? Play Button beraapah joomlah pendoodook saat inee? berapa jumlah penduduk saat ini?
Play Button How many children are there? Play Button aada beraapah orang ahnak-ahnak? ada berapa orang anak-anak?
Play Button How many men are there? Play Button aada beraapah orang lahkee lahkee? ada berapa orang laki-laki?
Play Button How many women are there? Play Button aada beraapah orang perempoowahn? ada berapa orang perempuan?
Play Button How many locals are there? Play Button aada beraapah orang pendoodoo setempaat? ada berapa orang penduduk setempat?
Play Button How many refugees are there? Play Button aada beraapah orang pengoongsee? ada berapa orang pengungsi?
Play Button How many returnees are there? Play Button aada beraapah orang yaang deekambaaleekahn? ada berapa orang yang dikembalikkan?
Play Button Who is the community leader? Play Button siyaapah pemeempin maasyaarahka inee? siapa pemimpin masyarakat ini?
Play Button Who is responsible for food distribution? Play Button siyaapah yaang bertahng-goong jaawahb aatahs pembaagyahn mahkahnahn? siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas pembagian makanan?
Play Button Where is the local warehouse? Play Button dee maanah goodahng setempaht? di mana gudang setempat?
Play Button Is there a storage facility? Play Button aapah aada faaseelitahs goodahng? apa ada fasilitas gudang?
Play Button Is this village used for secondary distribution? Play Button aapah deysah inee deegoonaakahn untoo pembaagyahn ting-kaht kedoowah? apa desa ini digunakan untuk pembagian tingkat kedua?
Play Button Which villages receive assistance from this village? Play Button deysah deysah maanah saajah yaang menereemah bantoowahn daaree deysah inee? desa-desa mana saja yang menerima bantuan dari desa ini?
Play Button How many damaged houses in this village? Play Button beraapah roomah yaang roosaak dee deysah inee? berapa rumah yang rusak di desa ini?
Play Button How many unfinished houses in this village? Play Button beraapah roomah yaang beloom sehlesayee dee-bahngoon dee deysah inee? berapa rumah yang belum selesai dibangun di desa ini?
Play Button Was there any new war damage to buildings since before the conflict? Play Button aapah aada keroosakahn baaroo paada gedoong gedoong ahkeebaht prahng sebeloom konfleek deemoolayee? apa ada kerusakan baru pada gedung-gedung akibat perang sebelum konflik dimulai?
Play Button Is there a school in the village? Play Button aapah aada skolah dee deysah inee? apa ada sekolah di desa ini?
Play Button Is there a mosque / church in the village? Play Button aapah aada masjeed / greyjah dee deysah inee? apa ada masjid / gereja di desa ini?
Play Button Is there a bakery? Play Button aapah aada paabreek rotee? apa ada pabrik roti?
Play Button Is there a health facility? Play Button aapah aada faaseelitahs kesey-haatahn? apa ada fasilitas kesehatan?
Play Button Is there any source of food available in the village? Play Button aapah aada soomber maakaanahn yaang beesah dee-daapaht dee deysah inee? apa ada sumber makanan yang bisa didapat di desa ini?
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