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Play Button How many people live in this area? Play Button beraapah orang ting-gahl dee daa-irah inee? berapa orang tinggal di daerah ini?
Play Button How many water wells do you have in this area? Play Button beraapah soomor aayr yaang aada dee daa-irah inee? berapa sumur air yang ada di daerah ini?
Play Button Do you have a sewage system in this area? Play Button aapah aada selokahn aayr dee daa-irah inee? apa ada selokan air di daerah ini?
Play Button How far are the latrines from the water wells? Play Button beraapah jaa-oonya wey-sey daaree soomor aayr? berapa jauhnya wc dari sumur air?
Play Button What type of herds graze in this area? Play Button aapah jenis tehrnahk yaang meroompoot dee daa-irah inee? apa jenis ternak yang merumput di daerah ini?
Play Button Is there a veterinarian? Play Button aapah aada dokter heywahn? apa ada dokter hewan?
Play Button Are there any factories in the area? Play Button aapah aada paabreek paabreek dee daa-irah inee? apa ada pabrik-pabrik di daerah ini?
Play Button Is there a river nearby? Play Button aapah aada soongaay dee dekaht sinee? apa ada sungai di dekat sini?
Play Button Where do you get electricity from? Play Button daaree maanah andah mendaapahtkahn listreek? dari mana anda mendapatkan listrik?
Play Button Is there a power plant nearby? Play Button aapah aada soomber tenaagah listreek dee dekaht sinee? apa ada sumber tenaga listrik di dekat sini?
Play Button What kind of electrical appliances do people use? Play Button jenis pehrahlahtahn listreek aapah yaang dee-paakayee orang orang dee sinee? jenis peralatan listrik apa yang dipakai orang-orang di sini?
Play Button Do you use electric stoves? Play Button aapah andah memaakee kompor listreek? apa anda memakai kompor listrik?
Play Button Have there been forest fires in the area? Play Button pernah aadaakah kebaakaarahn hootahn leeyahr dee daa-irah inee? pernah adakah kebakaran hutan liar di daerah ini?
Play Button Are there any gas pipes around here? Play Button aapah aada peepah gaas dee sekeetahr sinee? apa ada pipa gas di sekitar sini?
Play Button Do you use gas to heat homes around here? Play Button aapah andah meng-goonaakahn aalaht pemaanahs gaas dee roomah? apa anda menggunakan alat pemanas gas di rumah?
Play Button Is gas used for cooking? Play Button aapah andah memaakee gaas untoo memaasahk? apa anda memakai gas untuk memasak?
Play Button Do you use propane gas tanks? Play Button aapah andah memaakee taboong gaas? apa anda memakai tabung gas?
Play Button Where do you get propane gas tanks supplied from? Play Button daaree maanah andah mendaapaht taboong gaas? dari mana anda mendapat tabung gas?
Play Button Is there anyone to inspect home gas appliances? Play Button aapah aada orang yaang memereeksah per-ahlahtahn roomah yaang memahkayee gaas? apa ada orang yang memeriksa peralatan rumah yang memakai gas?
Play Button Is there an electrician here? Play Button aapah aada jooroo listreek dee sinee? apa ada juru listrik di sini?
Play Button Is there a water supply system to households? Play Button aapah aada seestim penyahloorahn aayr untook roomah taang-gah? apa ada sistim penyaluran air untuk rumah tangga?
Play Button Where is the facility located? Play Button dee maanah lokahsee faaseelitahs eetoo? di mana lokasi fasilitas itu?
Play Button How many people operate the system? Play Button beraapah orang yaang mengerjaakahn seestim inee? berapa orang yang mengerjakan sistim ini?
Play Button Is it connected to other water supply systems? Play Button aapah eetoo deehooboong-kahn dengahn seestim penyahloorahn aayr laayin-nyah? apa itu dihubungkan dengan sistim penyaluran air lainnya?
Play Button Is it functional? Play Button aapah inee berfoongsee? apa ini berfungsi?
Play Button Where are the sources of raw water? Play Button dee maanah soomber soomber aayr mentah? di mana sumber-sumber air mentah?
Play Button Is it polluted? Play Button aapah eetoo terchemahr? apa itu tercemar?
Play Button Is there a water treatment used? Play Button aapah aalaht penjehrnee aayr deepahkaay? apa alat penjernih air dipakai?
Play Button Is it chemical? Play Button aapah eetoo memaakey baahahn keemyah? apa itu memakai bahan kimia?
Play Button Is it through filtration? Play Button aapah eetoo melahlooyee penyahreengahn? apa itu melalui penyaringan?
Play Button Is it by sedimentation? Play Button aapah eetoo deelakookahn oleh proses pengehndaapahn? apa itu dilakukan oleh proses pengendapan?
Play Button Where is the pumping station? Play Button dee maanah poosaht pemompaa-anyah? di mana pusat pemompaannya?
Play Button How many people are needed to keep the system functional? Play Button beraapah orang deeperlookahn untoo menjaagah agar seestim inee tetahp berfoongsee? berapa orang diperlukan untuk menjaga agar sistim ini tetap berfungsi?
Play Button We've heard that there have been some problems with sewage in this neighborhood. Play Button kaamee dengar baawah aada masaalah denghan chomberahn dee lingkoongahn daa-irah inee kami dengar bahwa ada masalah dengan comberan di lingkungan daerah ini
Play Button Do you have indoor plumbing? Play Button aapah andah poonyah leyding dee daalahm bahngoonahn? apa anda punya leding di dalam bangunan?
Play Button Do you have any problems with your plumbing? Play Button aapah andah poonyah masaalah denghan leyding? apa anda punya masalah dengan leding?
Play Button Does your toilet work? Play Button aapah wey-sey andah berfoongsee? apa wc anda berfungsi?
Play Button How many toilets do you have in the house? Play Button beraapah wey-sey yaang andah poonyah dee roomah inee? berapa wc yang anda punya di rumah ini?
Play Button Do you have a septic tank? Play Button aapah andah mempoonya septeek tank? apa anda mempunyai septik tenk?
Play Button Is there anyone who can fix your sewer? Play Button aapah aada orang yaang daapaht memperbayeekee chomberahn andah? apa ada orang yang dapat memperbaiki comberan anda?
Play Button Have you contacted anyone regarding this problem? If so who? Play Button aapah andah soodah menghooboonghee orang tentahng masaalah inee? kaalo soodah, siyaapah? apa anda sudah menghubungi orang tentang masalah ini? kalau sudah, siapa?
Play Button When did you contact them? Play Button kaapahn andah menghooboonghee merekah? kapan anda menghubungi mereka?
Play Button I will report this higher up and see if there is something we can do to fix the sewage problem. Play Button saayah ahkan melahporkahn hahl inee kepahdah yaang berwehnahng dahn meleehaht aapah yaang kaamee beesah lakookahn untoo memperbayikee chomberahn inee saya akan melaporkan hal ini kepada yang berwenang dan melihat apa yang kami bisa lakukan untuk memperbaiki comberan ini
Play Button We will contact the sewage company and find out what is being done to correct the problem. Play Button kaamee ahkan menghooboonghee peroosaahaa-ahn yaang menahnganee chomberahn inee dahn menchahree tahoo aapah yaang sedahng dee-lahkookahn untoo memperbayeekee masaalah inee kami akan menghubungi perusahaan yang menangani comberan ini dan mencari tahu apa yang sedang dilakukan untuk memperbaiki masalah ini
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