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Play Button The name of the village Play Button chmoo aH ro boH poom
Play Button The location of the village Play Button dtee gon laing ro boH poom
Play Button Is there road access for cars? Play Button mee un plou jen joal som rup laan dtoach dtay?
Play Button Is there a road access for four-wheel drive? Play Button mee un plou jen joal som rup laan zeep dtay?
Play Button Is there a road access for trucks? Play Button mee un plou jen joal som rup laan deuk dtay?
Play Button Is the road accessible in the winter? Play Button plou nu'H jen joal baan dtay nou ro dou tlay uk dteuk gork?
Play Button What is the number of the current population? Play Button jom noo un bpror jee a ju'n bpuch jo' bon bpon maan?
Play Button How many children are there? Play Button mee un gon k'mayng bpon maan nay uk?
Play Button How many men are there? Play Button mee un bproh bpon maan nay uk?
Play Button How many women are there? Play Button mee un sray bpon maan nay uk?
Play Button How many locals are there? Play Button mee un bpror jee a ju'n moo la' taan bpon maan nay uk?
Play Button How many refugees are there? Play Button mee un joo un pee uh kloo un bpon maan nay uk?
Play Button How many returnees are there? Play Button mee un joo un nee woa ut dtror lop moak wegn bpon maan nay uk?
Play Button Who is the community leader? Play Button nay uk naa jee a bpror tee un sa' ha' gu'm?
Play Button Who is responsible for food distribution? Play Button nay uk naa dtoa dtoo ul koH dtrou kaang gaa jaik jaa ee ma hoap aa haa?
Play Button Where is the local warehouse? Play Button klay ung moo la' taan nou ai naa?
Play Button Is there a storage facility? Play Button mee un day bpoa ay wun dtay?
Play Button Is this village used for secondary distribution? Play Button poom niH bpraW som rup gaa jaik jaa ee bon dtoa up bon som rœ?
Play Button Which villages receive assistance from this village? Play Button poom naa klaH dtoa dtoo ul gaa joo uy jroam jrairng bpee poom niH?
Play Button How many damaged houses in this village? Play Button mee un ptay aH koach kaat bpon maan knong poom niH?
Play Button How many unfinished houses in this village? Play Button mee un ptay aH song mun haW ee bpon maan knong poom niH?
Play Button Was there any new war damage to buildings since before the conflict? Play Button mee un gaa koach kaat moak bpee song gree um tmay dtou lUh aa gee a dtay dtung bpee mu'n ju'm loo aH nu'H?
Play Button Is there a school in the village? Play Button mee un saa laa ree un moo ay dtay knong poom?
Play Button Is there a mosque / church in the village? Play Button mee un woa ut moo ay dtay knong poom?
Play Button Is there a bakery? Play Button mee un haang dot nu'm moo ay dtay?
Play Button Is there a health facility? Play Button mee un gon laing so' ka' pee up moo ay dtay?
Play Button Is there any source of food available in the village? Play Button mee un bpror pu'p ma hoap aa haa a way dtay knong poom?
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