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Play Button May I see your ID? Play Button ao ee kinyom som mUhl ut ta' sun nyaa na' bun nay uk baan dtay?
Play Button Where do you live? Play Button nay uk roo uH nou nou ai naa?
Play Button Where is the farm located? Play Button jom gaa nu'H nou dtrong naa?
Play Button What was produced on the farm? Play Button bpee mu'n dum ay knong jom gaa nu'H?
Play Button Who confiscated the land? Play Button nay uk naa reup oah yoak day nu'H?
Play Button Who now occupies your farm? Play Button nay uk naa nou knong jom gaa nay uk ay lou?
Play Button Have you talked with them? Play Button nay uk mee un baan nee yee uy jee a moo ay gay dtay?
Play Button Do you have documentation? Play Button nay uk mee un gror daah snaam aik ka' saa dtay?
Play Button Do you think it's dangerous? Play Button nay uk jœ a taa wee a groo aH tnuk?
Play Button I will contact the appropriate authorities to investigate this matter. Play Button kinyom neung dtay uk dtorng aa nyaa toa mee un saa mut dta' geuch ao ee sUhp ong gayt rœ ung niH
Play Button Please know we will assist you. Play Button soam deung taa yUhng neung joo uy jroam jrairng nay uk
Play Button You must allow the local authorities to conduct their investigation. Play Button nay uk dtrou dtai dtu'k ao ee aa nyaa toa moo la' taan twUh gaa sUhp ong gayt ro boH gay
Play Button You must go to the base and speak with an interpreter. Play Button nay uk dtrou dtou moo la' taan dtoa up haW ee nee yee uy jee a moo ay nay uk bork bprai ma nay uk
Play Button The name of the owner Play Button chmoo aH ro boH ma jaH
Play Button The name of the property Play Button chmoo aH ro boH gum ma set
Play Button Location of the property Play Button dtee gon laing ro boH gum ma set
Play Button Present use of the property Play Button gaa bpraW bpraH bpuch jo' bon nay ee gum ma set
Play Button What is the condition of the property? Play Button sa taan pee up ro boH gum maa set yaang may ich?
Play Button Who has the title? Play Button nay uk naa mee un som bot gum ma set?
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