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Play Button Let me put you in contact with someone who can help you. Play Button tangsheeneul towajul saramgwa yongyol hey chooget sumneeda 당신을 도와 줄 사람과 연결해 주겠습니다.
Play Button I will take you to him. Play Button keu saaram hantey tereego kaget sumneeda 그 사람한테 데리고 가겠습니다.
Play Button The person in charge is ___. Play Button chegim jaaneun ___ eem needa 책임자는 ___ 입니다.
Play Button In order to be compensated for damages, you must talk to ___. Play Button peehey posangeul weehey ___ wa eeyagee heyaa hamneeda 피해 보상을 위해 ___와 이야기 해야 합니다.
Play Button What is your name? Play Button eereumee mamneeka? 이름이 뮙니까?
Play Button Where do you live? / What is your address? Play Button awdee samneeka? / choosoga awtaakey twemneeka? 어디 삽니까?/주소가 어떻게 됩니까?
Play Button What happened to your car? Play Button chaagawey eerosumneeka? 차가 왜 이렇습니까?
Play Button What kind of car is it? (year, make, model) Play Button mooseun cha imneeka? (nyeon, hwesa, chungnyu) 무슨 차입니까? (년, 회사, 종류)
Play Button Show me your car registration. Play Button chaa teung nok cheungeul boyo choosheeyo 차 등록증을 보여 주시오.
Play Button Where is your car right now? Play Button chaaga cheegeum awdeeye itsumneeka? 차가 지금 어디에 있습니까?
Play Button Is your car drivable? Play Button chaga kamneeka? 차가 갑니까?
Play Button Can you bring your car here? Play Button chareul yogeero kajeo olsoo itsumneeka? 차를 여기로 가져 올 수 있습니까?
Play Button Where did the accident happen? Play Button sagoga awdeeyesaa nat sumneeka? 사고가 어디에서 났습니까?
Play Button When did the accident happen? Play Button sagoga awnjey nat sumneeka? 사고가 언제 났습니까?
Play Button What Civilian Forces’ vehicle damaged your car? Play Button yebeegoonee chaga tangsheenee charyangey aat teon peehereul eepyot sumneeka? 예비군의 차가 당신의 차량에 어떤 피해를 입혔습니까?
Play Button What soldiers were involved in the accident? Play Button aat teon koonindooree eesaagowey yeol lu toe eot sumneeka? 어떤 군인들이 이 사고에 연루되었습니까?
Play Button Thank you for your time. Play Button sheeganeul ney choosyosaa gamsa hamneeda 시간을 내 주셔서 감사합니다.
Play Button I appreciate your patience. Play Button keedaaryo choosyosaa gamsa hamneeda 기다려 주셔서 감사합니다.
Play Button In order to be compensated for damages, you must fill out this document. Play Button peehey bosang geumeul batkee weehey, eesaaryooreul jaaksaang heyaa hamneeda 피해 보상금을 받기 위해, 이 서류를 작성해야 합니다.
Play Button In order to be compensated for damages, you must see ___. Play Button peehey bosang geumeul batkee weehey, ___ reul kok man naaya hamneeda 피해 보상금을 받기 위해, ___를 꼭 만나야 합니다.
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