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Play Button What is your given name? Play Button eereumee maw-ey yo? 이름이 뭐에요?
Play Button What is your family name? Play Button sangee maw-e yo? 성이 뭐에요?
Play Button What is your nationality? Play Button koogjaagee maw-e yo? 국적이 뭐에요?
Play Button What country were you born in? Play Button aadeesaa teyo naashos saayo? 어디서 태어나셨어요?
Play Button How old are you? Play Button myeos sal ee e yo? 몇 살이에요?
Play Button Do you have an identity card? Play Button kongmeen chung ee saayo? 공민증있어요?
Play Button Show me your identification. Play Button kongmeen cheung boyaa jooseyo 공민증보여주세요.
Play Button How many people live in this area? Play Button ee jeeyaak inmeenee myaan myaang imneeka? 이 지역 인민이 몇명입니까?
Play Button Who is the leader of this community? Play Button tongney seedoojaa tongmoogaa noogoo imneeka? 동네 지도자 동무가 누구입니까?
Play Button What is his name? Play Button leereumee moowat imneeka? 리름이 무엇입니까?
Play Button Please write down his name. Play Button keu saraamuee reereumeul seusheeyo 그 사람의 리름을 쓰시오.
Play Button Show us the leader. Play Button chee do chaagaa odeeye itseumneeka? 지도자가 어디에 있습니까?
Play Button How many men and women live in this community? Play Button namjaawa lyeojaaga gak gak myon myeongsik salgo itsumneeka? 남자와 려자가 각 각 몇 명씩 살고 있습니까?
Play Button How many children live here? Play Button oreeneega myonmyeong tsamneeka? 어린이가 몇명 삽니까?
Play Button Are there schools here for the children? Play Button oreeneereul weehan hakyoga isumneeka? 어린이를 위한 학교가 있습니까?
Play Button Is there enough potable water for the people? Play Button keuncheoye maasil mooree chung punhee itsumneeka? 근처에 마실 물이 충분히 있습니까?
Play Button Is there a water well? Play Button soojeeree kweynchan tsumneeka? 수질이 괜찮습니까?
Play Button Is there a public fountain? Play Button mul maasil kosee itsumneeka? 물 마실 곳이 있습니까?
Play Button Are there any medics here? Play Button oyeemoo byeongee yawgee itsumneeka? 의무병이 여기 있습니까?
Play Button Are there any engineers? Play Button keesool chjaadeuree itsumneeka? 기술자들이 있습니까?
Play Button Are there any teachers? Play Button sanseng neemteuree itsumneeka? 선생님들이 있습니까?
Play Button Are there empty buildings here? Play Button peen keonmooree itsumneeka? 빈 건물이 있습니까?
Play Button Is there a local police force? Play Button pachulsoga itsumneeka? 파출소가 있습니까?
Play Button Who is responsible for public safety here? Play Button ee jiyeogey anjawneun dooga cheygim chimneeka? 이 지역의 안전은 누가 책입집니까?
Play Button Whose responsibility is fire protection? Play Button hwajey yebang cheygim jawneun noogoo imneeka? 화재 예방 책임자는 누구입니까?
Play Button Do you have fire fighting equipment? Play Button hwajey cheenap changbeegaa itsumneeka? 화재 진압 장비가 있습니까?
Play Button Do you have a fire engine? Play Button sobang chagaa itsumneeka? 소방차가 있습니까?
Play Button Who do you call in case of an accident? Play Button saagoga balseyng hamyeon noogooreul pooreumneeka? 사고가 발생하면 누구를 부릅니까?
Play Button Are there operational emergency vehicles here? Play Button eegosey chooltong hal soo eeneun koogup charyangee itsumneeka? 이곳에 출동할 수 있는 구급차량이 있습니까?
Play Button How many telephones do you have in the area? Play Button ee gosey janhwaagaa myotkey itsumneeka? 이곳에 전화가 몇개 있습니까?
Play Button How many homes have telephones here? Play Button myot kaajangee chanhwareul kajeego itsumneeka? 몇 가정이 전화를 가지고 있습니까?
Play Button Is there a functioning police station? Play Button oonyawng joongeen kyawngchal soga itsumneeka? 운영중인 경찰서가 있습니까?
Play Button How many personnel are still on the job? Play Button aajik eelhaago eeneun jeegaanee myon myeong imneeka? 아직 일하고 있는 직원이 몇 명입니까?
Play Button What’s the means of communication? Play Button tong shin sootaanee moowat imneeka? 통신수단이 무엇입니까?
Play Button Can the police station function normally without U.S. assistance? Play Button meegoogee towum aapsee kyawngchal soga cheongsang chakeuro ilhal soo itsumneeka? 미국의 도움없이 경찰서가 정상적으로 일할 수 있습니까?
Play Button Can U.S. forces depend on the local police to perform their duties as needed? Play Button meegook kongkoonee peeryohan eem moo sooheyngeul weehaey kyawngchal saawa hyeom nyeokal soo itsumneeka? 미국 공군이 필요한 임무 수행을 위해 경찰서와 협력할 수 있습니까?
Play Button How many vehicles are available? Play Button myot teywee chaaryangeul saayong halsoo itsumneeka? 몇 대의 차량을 사용할 수 있습니까?
Play Button What is the telephone number? Play Button cheonhwa peon hoga aa taakey toemneeka? 전화번호가 어떻게 됩니까?
Play Button Do you use radio communications? Play Button moojaangee tongsheeneul saayong hamneeka? 무전기 통신을 사용합니까?
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