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Play Button Who is in charge of repairing roads? Play Button keel bosoowee chegeem jaaneun noogoo imneeka? 길 보수의 책임자는 누구입니까?
Play Button Do you have a map of this area? Play Button ee cheeyok cheedoga itsumneeka? 이 지역 지도가 있습니까?
Play Button We will provide assistance in building roads at this location. Play Button eegosey toro manduneun gaaseul towoo ges sumneeda 이곳에 도로 만드는 것을 도우겠습니다.
Play Button Can you provide a road map of this area? Play Button ee jeeyok toro cheedojum joo shipshiyo? 이 지역 도로 지도 좀 주십시요?
Play Button Do you have any machinery for road building? Play Button toro konsaareul weehan jaangbeegaa itsumneeka? 도로건설을 위한 장비가 있습니까?
Play Button Do you have any machinery for road repairs? Play Button keel posooreul weehan jaangbeega itsumneeka? 길보수를 위한 장비가 있습니까?
Play Button We have to set up storage locations for supply materials in the area. Play Button ee cheeyogey kongkeum mooljaareul weehan changko weecheereul kyeolchang heye hamneeda 이 지역에 공급물자를 위한 창고 위치를 결정해야 합니다.
Play Button Are there any railroad tracks in this area? Play Button ee cheeyeogey cheoltoka itsumneeka? 이 지역에 철도가 있습니까?
Play Button Do you have transportation facilities in this area? Play Button ee cheeyeogey kyotong sheesaaree itsumneeka? 이 지역에 교통시설이 있습니까?
Play Button Are there any airports nearby? Play Button kachaa un gosey konghangee itsumneeka? 가짜운 곳에 공항이 있습니까?
Play Button Are there any landing fields for smaller aircraft nearby? Play Button kgachaa un gosey kyeongbee haeng geega chanyook hal maan han go shee itsumneeka? 가짜운 곳에 경비행기가 착륙할 만한 곳이 있습니까?
Play Button Are there any pipelines in the area? Play Button ee cheeyeogey songyoo gwanee itsumneeka? 이 지역에 송유관이 있습니까?
Play Button Is the pipeline fenced off in this area? Play Button ee cheeyeok songyoo gwaney pohojang cheegaa toyaw itsumneeka? 이 지역 송유관에 보호장치가 되어있습니까?
Play Button Is the traffic heavy in this area? Play Button ee cheeyeogun kyotong chyejangee simham neeka? 이 지역은 교통체증이 심합니까?
Play Button Are there bus lines or trains to travel to other places? Play Button taareun goseuro yeohyengeul kal soo in-neun pawsunaa keecha nosaanee itsumneeka? 다른 곳으로 여행을 갈 수 있는 버스나 기차 노선이 있습니까?
Play Button Are there taxis? Play Button palparee chagaa itsumneeka? 발바리차가 있습니까?
Play Button Do these roads get snowed in during the winter? Play Button kyawoorey keerey noonee sa imneeka? 겨울에 길에 눈이 쌓입니까?
Play Button How many people own motor vehicles in this area? Play Button myon myeongee charul soyoohago itsumneeka? 몇 명이 차를 소유하고 있습니까?
Play Button Are there trucking companies nearby? Play Button kachaa-un gosey teureok hwesaga itsumneeka? 가짜운 곳에 트럭 회사가 있습니까?
Play Button Do you have radio contact with people in other places? Play Button taarun gosey in-neun saramdeulkwa moosaneuro tongshinhal soo itsumneeka? 다른 곳에 있는 사람들과 무선으로 통신할 수 있습니까?
Play Button Can you use these roads during the winter? Play Button kyawoorey ee geereul eeyong hal soo itsumneeka? 겨울에 이 길을 이용할 수 있습니까?
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