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Play Button Who is your point of contact? Play Button noogoowa yeol lakheyaa hamneeka? 누구와 연락해야 합니까?
Play Button Who are the senior officers? Play Button nooga saanim chang gyo eemneeka? 누가 선임 장교입니까?
Play Button Who will be sending the cargo? Play Button nooga hwamooreul poonel kosimneeka? 누가 화물을 보낼 것입니까?
Play Button Who will be the point of contact? Play Button nooga yol lakchaga doel keosimneeka? 누가 연락자가 될 것입니까?
Play Button What is your cargo? Play Button mooseun hwamool imneeka? 무슨 화물입니까?
Play Button What airline is carrying your cargo? Play Button aaneu hang gongsagaa hwamooreul nareumneeka? 어느 항공사가 화물을 나릅니까?
Play Button What is your phone or contact number? Play Button chaanhwa beonhona yeol lakchoga mowaa simneeka? 전화번호나 연락처가 무엇입니까?
Play Button What is your hotel? Play Button aaneu hotel imneeka? 어느 호텔입니까?
Play Button What is the mission impact of this casualty or item? Play Button ee sasangjanaa moolpoomey yonghyangeul chooneun im mooneun moowaa simneeka? 이 사상자나 물품에 영향을 주는 임무는 무엇입니까?
Play Button When is the cargo arriving? Play Button onjey hwamooree tochak hamneeka? 언제 화물이 도착합니까?
Play Button When is the unit's flight deck available? Play Button onjey poodey peehengee gap paneul sayong halsoo itsumneeka? 언제 부대 비행기 갑판을 사용할 수 있습니까?
Play Button When is your reception? Play Button hwanyong hwega onjey imneeka? 환영회가 언제입니까?
Play Button Where does it need to go? Play Button eegaaseul awdeeye nowaaya hamneeka? 이것을 어디에 놓아야 합니까?
Play Button Where is it coming from? Play Button geugeoseun awdeeyesaa omneeka? 그것은 어디에서 옵니까?
Play Button Where are the people? Play Button saramdeuree awdeeye itsumneeka? 사람들이 어디에 있습니까?
Play Button Why do you need this? Play Button eegaasee wey peeryo hamneeka? 이것이 왜 필요합니까?
Play Button Why do they need to go? Play Button geudeuree wey kayaa hamneeka? 그들이 왜 가야 합니까?
Play Button Why are they late? Play Button wey neujaat sumneeka? 왜 늦었습니까?
Play Button How much does it weigh? Play Button moogega eolmaanaa doemneeka? 무게가 얼마나 됩니까?
Play Button How much does it cost? Play Button kagyeogee eolma imneeka? 가격이 얼마입니까?
Play Button How can we contact you? Play Button tangsingwa ataakey yeol lakalsoo itsumneeka? 당신과 어떻게 연락할 수 있습니까?
Play Button How can we contact them? Play Button keudeulkwa ataakey yeol lakalsoo itsumneeka? 그들과 어떻게 연락할 수 있습니까?
Play Button How much ammunition do you need? Play Button tanyaagee eolmaana peeryohamneeka? 탄약이 얼마나 필요합니까?
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