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Play Button Is there a medical facility nearby? Play Button fee markaz Tubee greeb min eh-ney? فيه مركز طبى قريب من هني؟
Play Button Are there any doctors in the area? Play Button fee dakaatira fi il-manTiqa? فيه دكاتره في المنطقه؟
Play Button How many beds do you have at the medical facility? Play Button gidaash isreer 'indkum fee il-markaz iT-Tubee? قداش سرير عندكم في المركز الطبى؟
Play Button How many people work at the hospital? Play Button gidaash waaHid yiKhdim fee il-mustashfa? قداش واحد يخدم في المستشفى؟
Play Button How many nurses? Play Button gidaash mumarida? قداش ممرضه؟
Play Button Has there been any infectious disease in the area lately? Play Button hal fee amraaD mu'deeya fee haadee il-manTiqa mu-aKharan? هل فيه امراض معدية في هذه المنطقة مؤخرا؟
Play Button Is there a pharmacy? Play Button hal fee Saydaleeya? هل فيه صيدليه؟
Play Button Is there a building where we could set up a medical facility? Play Button hal fee mabna nigdir nibnoo fee markaz Tubee? هل فيه مبنى نقدر نبنو فيه مركز طبي؟
Play Button We would like to talk to people about immunization. Play Button nibee nitkalim ma' in-naas 'aley it-ta'Teem نبي نتكلم مع الناس على التطعيم
Play Button We would like to talk to people about sanitization. Play Button nibee nitkalim ma' in-naas 'aley it-taT-heer نبي نتكلم مع الناس على التطهير
Play Button Is there a medical emergency facility? Play Button hal fee markaz is'aaf? هل فيه مركز اسعاف؟
Play Button We have to establish a safe working environment. Play Button laazim inwafir bee-a maDmoona lil-'amal لازم نوفر بيئه مضمونه للعمل
Play Button We have to hire medical doctors for this facility. Play Button laazim inshaghil Tuba fee haadee il-'iyaada لازم انشغل طبه في هذه العيادة
Play Button We have to hire nurses for this facility. Play Button laazim inshaghil mumariDaat fee haada il-markaz لازم انشغل ممرضات في هذا المركز
Play Button We have to hire office personnel for this facility. Play Button laazim inshaghil muwaDaf maktab fee haada il-markaz لازم انشغل موظف مكتب في هذا المركز
Play Button We have to hire a custodian for this facility. Play Button laazim inshaghil bawaab li-haada il-markaz لازم انشغل بواب لهذا المركز
Play Button Are the local facilities and personnel able to care for the current casualties without U.S. aid? Play Button hal il-maraakiz il-maHaleeya wa-il-afraad yigdiroo yi'aaljoo il-aDraar il-Haaleeya beedoon musaa'ada amreekeeya? هل المراكز المحليه والافراد يقدرو يعالجو الاضرار الحاليه بدون مساعده امريكيه؟
Play Button Is the local drinking water potable? Play Button hal mayat il-shurb fee il-manTiqa tana'' li il-shurb? هل مية الشرب في المنطقة تنفع للشرب؟
Play Button Who determined that the water is potable? Play Button ishkoon ilee qarar ina il-maya haadee SaalHa li il-shurb? اشكون اللي قرر ان الميه هاذي صالحه للشرب؟
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