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Play Button Everything will be done to make you feel better again. Play Button staaso dobaaRaa beh-taRee da paaRa ba haR sa keegee ستاسو دوباره بهتری د پاره به هر څه کېږی
Play Button You are only slightly wounded. Play Button taaso deR lag Khoog shawee yee تاسو ډير لږ خوږ شوی يي
Play Button You will soon be up again. Play Button taaso ba deR zaR Kha shee تاسو به ډير ژر ښه شی
Play Button Your condition is serious, but you will get better. Play Button staaso haalat KhataRnaak dey Kho taaso ba Kha shee ستاسو حالت خطرناک دی خو تاسو به ښه شی
Play Button You will get better if you let us take care of you. Play Button ka moong pReygdee che paamlaRana dey okRloo no taaso ba Kha shee که مونږ پريږدی چه پاملرنه دی وکړو نو تاسو به ښه شی
Play Button You are seriously hurt. Play Button taaso deR saKht Khoog shawee yee تاسو ډير سخت خوږ شوی يي
Play Button You are seriously ill. Play Button taaso deR saKht beemaaR yee تاسو ډير سخت بيمار يي
Play Button It will probably take a long time for you to get better. Play Button staaso joRleydo key bu shaayad deR waKht olagee ستاسو جوړيدو کې به شايد ډير وخت اولګی
Play Button The surgery was successful. Play Button apReyshan kaamyaab wo اپريشن کامياب وو
Play Button We were able to help you. Play Button moong da dey kaabil woo che taaso saRaa mey madad okRloo مونږ د دی قابل وو چه تاسو سره مې مدد اوکړو
Play Button We had to remove this. Play Button moong baayad daa eestaley wee مونږ بايد دا ايستلې وی
Play Button We tried, but we could not save this. Play Button moong da dey bach kawalo koshesh okRloo Kho ono shwo مونږ د دې بچ کولو کوشش وکړو خو اونه شوو
Play Button You were hurt very badly. Play Button taaso deR bad zhobal shawee wee تاسو ډير بد ژوبل شوی وی
Play Button You will be fine. Play Button taaso bu Kha shee تاسو به ښه شی
Play Button You will need time to heal. Play Button staaso da joRleedo da paaRa bu waKht pakaaR wee ستاسو د جوړيدو دپاره به وخت پکار وی
Play Button We will arrange for your transport back to your country. Play Button moong bu taaso Khpal mulk ta waapas waRlalo da paaRa intizaam okRloo مونږ به تاسو خپل ملک ته واپس وړلو د پاره انتظام وکړو
Play Button We will send you to another place. Play Button moong bu taaso bal zaay ta ooleegoo مونږ به تاسو بل ځاې ته وليږو
Play Button You need more care. Play Button taaso taa deR ih-teeyaat pakaaR dey تاسو ته ډير احتياط پکار دی
Play Button You will return to your Unit when you are better. Play Button taaso che kala Kha shee no Khpal yoonit taa bu waapas laaRl shee تاسو چه کله ښه شی نو خپل يونټ ته به واپس ﻻړ شی
Play Button I will be back soon. Play Button za bu zaR waapas Raasham زه به ژر واپس راشم
Play Button I will check back later to see how you are doing. Play Button za bu wRusta taaso byaa chek kRlam che taaso sanga yee زه به وروسته تاسو بيا چيک کړم چه تاسو څنګه يي
Play Button Return tomorrow so we can be sure you get better. Play Button sabaa waapas Raashee che moong yakeenee shoo che taaso Kha yee سبا واپس راشۍ چه مونږ يقينی شو چه تاسو ښه يي
Play Button Return in one week so we can be sure you get better. Play Button yo hafta key waapas Raashee che moong yakeenee shoo che taaso Kha yee يو هفته کې واپس راشی چه مونږ يقينی شو چه تاسو ښه يي
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