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Play Button Warning, United States Marines will be conducting a search of the area. Please prepare your home for inspection! Play Button mast-en-kekiyaa ya-amereekaa wataadaroch feteshaa yaakaheydaalo baakaachahoon beytaachahoon lefeteshaa aazagaajoo! ማስጠንቀቂያ፡ያሜሪካ፡ወታደሮች፡ፍተሻ፡ያካሂዳሉ፡ባካችሁን፡ቤታችሁ ን፡ለፍተሻ፡አዘጋጁ!
Play Button Please be advised that Marines will not hesitate in defending themselves if threatened. Play Button wetaaderoch tek-aat keresebaacho raasachon kamakalaakel aaymaleson ወታደሮቹ፡ጥቃት፡ከደረሰባቸው፡ራሳቸውን፡ከመከላከል፡አይመለሱም
Play Button We greatly appreciate your cooperation. Play Button leteveberaachooH inamasegelaanin ትብብራችሁን፡እናመሰግናለን
Play Button Please open your doors. Play Button evaakaachahon beraachahoon kifetoo ባካችሁን፡በራችሁን፡ክፈቱ
Play Button Remain outside in your yard until the search is complete. Play Button fetashaw iskamyalk kagibaachooH wust q-oyoo ፍተሻው፡እስከሚያልቅ፡ግቢያችሁ፡ውስጥ፡ቆዩ
Play Button When the Marines arrive at your house, the homeowner can walk them through the search. Play Button wataadorochoo seemeltoo yebeytoo baaleeveyt beytun liyaasyaachaw neecheeraal ወታደሮቹ፡ሲመጡ፡የቤቱ፡ባለቤት፡ቤቱን፡ሊያሳያቸው፡ይችላል
Play Button We are not here to harm anyone. Play Button goodaat linardasebachooH aaydelem yimat-aanoo ጉዳት፡ልናደርስባችሁ፡አይደለም፡የመጣነው
Play Button Our goal is to increase security in the area. Play Button aalaamaachin ye-aakababyoon dihininet lemashashaal naw አላማችን፡የአካባቢውን፡ደህንነት፡ለማሻሻል፡ነው
Play Button Thank you for your cooperation. Play Button sila tibabarachooH inaama seganaalen ስለ፡ትብብራችሁ፡እናመሰግናለን
Play Button You are permitted to have a weapon to defend your home. Play Button beytaachahoon lemet-atbeq mesaareeyaa tefek-ulaachoohaal ቤታችሁን፡ለመጠበቅ፡መሳሪያ፡ተፈቅዶላችሁዋል
Play Button The Marines will not seize weapons used for home security if the homeowner identifies them to us before we find them. Play Button yabeytoo baaleybeyt leteb-ek-aa yaalewin mesaareeya waatadarochoo kamagnyetechaw befeet kaasayen masareeyochooH aaywaserbetim የቤቱ፡ባለቤት፡ለጥበቃ፡ያለውን፡መሳ፡ሪያ፡ወታደሮች፡ከማግኘታቸ፡በፊት፡ካሳየን፡መሳሪያዎቹ፡አይወሰዱበትም
Play Button If the Marines find unauthorized weapons in the house or yard the homeowner will be apprehended. Play Button baaleybeytoo yaalefek-aad mesaareeyaa beyt weynem gibyoost bowatadrachoo katabenyebet eetasaraal ባለቤቱ፡ያለፈቃድ፡መሳሪያ፡ቤት፡ወይንም፡ግቢ፡ውስጥ፡በወታደሮች፡ከተገኘበት፡ይታሰራል
Play Button Please place all authorized weapons outside on the ground, at least three meters away from any person. Play Button yaltefek-aadoo masaareeyochin kabeyt wich meritlaay sost meyter kesaw aarek-aaKh aaskent ያለተፈቀደ፡መሳሪያዎችን፡ከቤት፡ውጭ፡መሬት፡ላይ፡ሶስት፡ሜትር፡ከሰው፡አርቀህ፡አስቀምጥ
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