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Play Button We will process enemy prisoners of war (EPWs). Play Button yan tho dwey sit thon pan a twek pyo lot ney ba deh
Play Button MPs will repatriate enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) and civilians internees (CIs) later. Play Button sit tah pa layt dwey ga yan tho sit thon pan neh sit a twin htayn thayn tar tho myar go nawk hma pyan po ba layt meh
Play Button We will handle all enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) and civilians internees (CIs) according to the provisions of the Geneva Convention. Play Button yan tho sit thon pan neh sit a twin htayn thayn tar tho myar go naa do ja nee baa ton tan a sin a laa a taayn tar ba meh
Play Button First aid will be provided for all wounded. Play Button dan yaa myar a twek shey oo tho nar pyoo dwey neh tawk punt pey ba meh
Play Button We will protect all enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) and civilians internees (CIs) against ill treatment. Play Button yan tho sit thon pan neh sit a twin htayn thayn thar tho myar ma phyar nar ya awn naa do kaa kweh ko tha pey ba meh
Play Button All enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) and civilians internees (CIs) will be searched and tagged. Play Button yan tho sit thon pan neh sit a twin htayn thayn tar tho myar go a myee saa tan neh shar twey naayn ba deh
Play Button We will safeguard your money and valuables. Play Button min do yeh nwey neh tan pho shee pyit see myar go lon chon swar thayn tar ba meh
Play Button We will give you a receipt for your money and valuables. Play Button min do yeh nwey neh tan pho shee pyit see dwey a twek phyah paayn pey ba meh
Play Button Money and valuables will be returned to you. Play Button min do yeh nwey neh tan pho shee pyit see myar go pyan pey ba meh
Play Button We will lead you to an enclosed area. Play Button min do go kaa yan tar deh ay ree yaa see Khaw thwar meh
Play Button You are allowed to dig foxholes. Play Button min go myey Khwey htwek pawk lawk to Khwint pyoo dey
Play Button You are allowed to dig holes in the ground to help shelter you. Play Button min Kho hlon naayn lawk awn myey to Khwint pyoo deh
Play Button We have to question you. Play Button naa do min go mey sa yaa shee deh
Play Button Somebody will question you now. Play Button ta yawk yawk min go a Kho mey layt meh
Play Button You will be taken to another location. Play Button min go ta char ney yaa tho Khaw thwar layt meh
Play Button You will be assigned an identification number (internment serial number). Play Button min go sit a twin htayn thayn tar tho myar nan pah pey tar meh
Play Button Your information will be provided to a Prisoner of War Information Center. Play Button min yeh ta din go sit thon pan ta din taa na tho po tar meh
Play Button Do you need first aid? Play Button shey oo tho naa pyoo pyit see lo lar?
Play Button Are you hurt? Play Button min naa ney lar?
Play Button Do you need food? Play Button min a saa lo lar?
Play Button Do you need water? Play Button min thawk yey lo lar?
Play Button Do you have any documents? Play Button min hma ta char baa saa ywek saa dan myar shee leh?
Play Button Do you have weapons? Play Button min hma lek nek shee lar?
Play Button What is your name? Play Button min naa meh ba leh?
Play Button What is your rank? Play Button min yeh yaa to ga ba leh?
Play Button What is your unit? Play Button min yeh yo nit ga ba leh?
Play Button Do you have any information for us? Play Button min hma naa do a twek a char ta din dwey shee lar?
Play Button Where is your unit? Play Button min yo nit beh hma leh?
Play Button Provide shelter to protect enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) from the elements. Play Button yan tho sit thon pan myar shin tan naayn yan Kho hlon yaa ney yaa pey tar ba meh
Play Button All male enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) will be moved to another location. Play Button yawk jar yan tho sit thon pan myar go ta char ney yaa tho shwey tar meh
Play Button Do not speak to anybody. Play Button beh tho neh hma sa gar ma pyaw ya
Play Button Stand still. Play Button yah ney ba
Play Button Move here. Play Button dee go shwey ba
Play Button Stay within this area. Play Button dee ay ree yaa a twin hma ney ba
Play Button Do not cross this boundary. Play Button dee neh na mayt go ma jaw ya
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