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Play Button We will receive the enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) from the combat units. Play Button naa do see yan tho sit tah thon pan dwey go taayt pweh yo nit hma yawk laa layt meh
Play Button We have to evacuate the enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) from the battle zone. Play Button naa do yan tho sit thon pan dwey go sit myey pyin ga pheh shar pey ya meh
Play Button We will deliver the enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) to the proper authorities. Play Button naa do yan tho sit thon pan dwey go aar naa paayn a phweh tho hlweh pyawn pey ya meh
Play Button We are here to enforce the law. Play Button naa do dee hma ta yar oo pa day go laayt naa ya meh
Play Button We are here to assist the local law enforcement if needed. Play Button dey tha Khan ta yar oo pa dey a phweh go lo ah yin a ko a nyee pey pho naa do dee hma shee deh
Play Button We will respond to any attack. Play Button naa do beh lo taayt Khaayt hmo myo ma so ton pyan meh
Play Button We are here to protect the loading zones. Play Button a pyit a Khah myar deh ney yaa go kaa kweh pho naa do dee hma shee deh
Play Button We are patrolling the road to detect and defeat threats. Play Button layt lan shaa phwey phee chayn chawk hmo go chey hmon pho naa do lan paw hma kin leh ney ja deh
Play Button We are mapping the terrain features. Play Button nawk yawn Khan layt lan shaa nayn deh in gaa yah myar go naa do chayn sa ney deh
Play Button We will protect these pipelines. Play Button eh dee paayt laayn myar go naa do kaa kweh pey meh
Play Button We are providing security to this convoy. Play Button naa do dee sit tah ar tan yeh lon chon yey go pey ba meh
Play Button How far away is this town? Play Button dee myo beh lawk wey leh?
Play Button What is the name of this ridgeline? Play Button dee tawn tan naa meh ga baa leh?
Play Button Where are the water pipes? Play Button yey paayt dwey beh hma leh?
Play Button Is there any nuclear, biological or chemical (NBC) contamination in the area? Play Button dee ay ree yaa hma a no myo, zee wa bey da tho ma hot da to bey da nyit nyan hmo shee lar?
Play Button The storage area is off-limits. Play Button dee tho hlawn yon ay ree yaa ga kant thah chek a pyin hma yawk ney deh
Play Button You must report any nuclear, biological or chemical (NBC) contamination. Play Button a no myo, zee wa bey da tho ma hot da to bey da nyit nyan hmo go min ta din po ya meh
Play Button These are secured areas. Play Button dee ay ree yaa haa lon chon ba deh
Play Button This is a blocked area. Play Button dee ay ree yaa haa payt ney deh
Play Button This area is off limits. Play Button dee ay ree yaa haa kant thah chek a pyin hma phyit deh
Play Button The barriers will prevent any attacks. Play Button dee a tar a see haa taayt Khaayt hmo go ka kweh ba layt meh
Play Button Leave! This is a contaminated area. Play Button twek! dee ay ree yaa haa nyit nyan deh ay ree yaa
Play Button Stay away from the railways. Play Button ya tar lan hma a way hma ney ba
Play Button Stay away! This is a restricted zone. Play Button wey wey ney! tar myit tar deh zon
Play Button Don't move. Play Button ma hlot neh
Play Button Move fast! Play Button myan myan shwey!
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