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Play Button What foreigners live in this area? Play Button yau mo oi kwok yan chu haai ley gor day kui do ah? 有冇外国人住喺呢个地区度呀?
Play Button What foreigners have you observed in this area? Play Button lay haai ley do gin gwor bin dee oi kwok yan ah? 你喺呢度见过边啲外国人呀?
Play Button Where is the exact location of the foreigners' home? Play Button oi kwok yan uk kay ge jing kok waai jee haai bin ah? 外国人屋企嘅正确位置系边呀?
Play Button When was the last time you saw these foreigners? Play Button lay seung chee gay see gin gwor dee oi kwok yan ah? 你上次几时见过啲外国人呀?
Play Button What country are these individuals from? Play Button ley dee yan haai bin gor kwok gar laai gar? 呢啲人喺边个国家黎嫁?
Play Button When did they arrive here? Play Button kui day gay see laai gar? 佢哋几时黎嫁?
Play Button How did they get here? Play Button kui day dim yeung laai ley do gar? 佢哋点样黎呢度嫁?
Play Button What local people have you observed associating with these foreigners? Play Button lay gin gwor bin dee bon day yan tung kui day laai wong ah? 你见过边啲本地人同佢哋来往呀?
Play Button At what places do the foreigners routinely gather or meet? Play Button dee oi kwok yan haai bin do jarp wui wak tse gin meen ah? 啲外国人喺边度集会或者见面呀?
Play Button What vehicles do these foreigners drive? Play Button ley dee oi kwok yan jar mut yeh chey gar? 呢啲外国人揸乜嘢车嫁?
Play Button What are their names? Play Button kui day giu mut yeh meng ah? 佢哋叫乜嘢名呀?
Play Button What group (cell) do they belong to? Play Button kui day suk yu bin gor jo jik gar? 佢哋属于边个组织嫁?
Play Button Do you know of any plans to attack US facilities? Play Button lay jee m jee yau mo gung gik mei kwok chit see ge gaai wak ah? 你知吾知有冇攻击美国设施嘅计划呀?
Play Button Who will conduct this attack? Play Button bin dee yan wui fat dung ley chee gung gik ah? 边啲人会发动呢次攻击呀?
Play Button When will this attack take place? Play Button ley chee gung gik wui haai gay see fat seng ah? 呢次攻击会系几时发生呀?
Play Button Where will the attack take place? Play Button ley chee gung gik wui haai bin do fat seng ah? 呢次攻击会系边度发生呀?
Play Button When did you last hear about this attack? Play Button lay seung chee haai gay see teng gong gwor ley che gung gik ah? 你上次系几时听讲过呢次攻击呀?
Play Button Which group is planning to conduct this attack? Play Button bin yat ban yan gaai wak fat dung ley chee gung gik ah? 边一班人计划发动呢次攻击呀?
Play Button What groups or individuals in this area express anti-US sentiment? Play Button haai ley gor daai kui do, bin yat ban yan wak bin dee yan bil see fan mei ching sui ah? 系呢个哋区度,边一班人或边啲人表示反美情绪呀?
Play Button What groups or individuals in this area express anti-host nation sentiment? Play Button haai ley gor day kui do, bin yat ban yan wak bin dee yan bil see fan oi kwok ju gwan ching sui ah? 系呢个哋区度,边一班人或边啲人表示反外国驻军情绪呀?
Play Button What individuals or groups routinely travel outside of this country? Play Button yau bin dee yan wak tse tuen taai ging seung chuit kwok ah? 有边啲人或者团体经常出国呀?
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