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Play Button What area in (Hong Kong) has a high crime rate? Play Button (heung gong) bin do yau go fan chui lut ah? (香港)边度有高犯罪率呀?
Play Button What area in (Hong Kong) would you feel uncomfortable entering with your family? Play Button (heung kong) bin do lay wui gok duk m sik hup tung lay gar yan yat chaai hui ah? (香港)边度你会觉得吾適合同你家人一齊去呀?
Play Button What areas of (Hong Kong) are considered unsafe for Americans to enter? Why? Play Button (heung gong) bin do haai bay ying waai mei kwok yan m on chuen chu yup gar? dim gaai lair? (香港)边度係被认为美国人吾安全进入架?点解呢?
Play Button What organized crime elements exist in (Hong Kong)? Play Button haai (heung gong) yau bin dee yau jo jik ge fan chui fun jee lair? 喺(香港)有边啲有组织嘅犯罪份子呢?
Play Button What are the most common criminal acts committed in (Hong Kong)? Play Button haai (heung gong) bin dee chui on haai tsui seung gin gar? 喺(香港)边啲罪案係最常见嫁?
Play Button What illegal substances are available in this area? Play Button haai ley do hor yee maai do bin dee faai fat duk bun ah? 喺呢度可以买到边啲非法毒品呀?
Play Button How are the drugs transported into this area? Play Button dee duk bun haai deem yeung wan yup laai ley gor day kui gar? 啲毒品喺点样运入黎呢个哋区嫁?
Play Button Who controls the sale of these drugs? Play Button haai bin gor hung jaai duk bun ge fan maai gar? 喺边个控制毒品嘅贬卖嫁?
Play Button Is local law enforcement capable of dealing with the current criminal threat? Play Button boon day ge jup fat bo dui yau lung lik sui ley yin see ge fan jui waai hip mah? 本哋嘅执法部队有能力处理现时嘅犯罪威胁吗?
Play Button If not, what specific areas is local law enforcement unable to control? Play Button mo ge wah, bin yat fong meen haai dong day ge jup fat bo dui hung jaai m do gar lair? 冇嘅话,边一方面喺当哋嘅执法部队控制吾倒嫁呢?
Play Button What prevents local law enforcement from controlling the local criminal threat? Play Button haai mut yeh jor jee boon day ge jup fat bo dui hung jaai boon day ge fan jui waai hip lair? 喺乜嘢阻止本哋嘅执法部队控制本哋嘅犯罪威胁呢?
Play Button What specific criminal threats pose the greatest concern for US Forces in the area? Play Button haai ley gor day kui do, bin dee gui taai ge fan jui waai hip wui sing waai mei gwan ge chui daai yau lui lair? 喺呢个哋区度,边啲具体嘅犯罪威胁会成为美军嘅最大忧累呢?
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