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Play Button What groups in this area are threats to US Forces? Play Button ley do kaai bin gor tuen tei wui haai mei gwan ge waai hip ah? 呢度嘅边个团体会係美军嘅威胁呀?
Play Button Is this shop normally open in the morning? At what times? Play Button ley gan pot au tung seung haai chiu tau jo hoi mun mah? haai gay dor dim lair? 呢间铺头通常喺朝头早开门吗?喺几多点呢?
Play Button Is this shop normally open in the afternoon? At what times? Play Button ley gan pot au tung seung haai har jau hoi mun mah? haai gay dor dim lair? 呢间铺头通常喺下昼开门吗?喺几多点呢?
Play Button Is this shop normally open in the evening? At what times? Play Button ley gan pot au tung seung haai yeh mahn hoi mun mah? haai gay dor dim lair? 呢间铺头通常喺夜晚开门吗?喺几多点呢?
Play Button Is this vehicle normally located here at this time of day? Play Button ley gar chey tung seung haai m haai haai ley gor see hou pak haai ley do gar? 呢架车通常係吾係喺呢个时候拍喺呢度嫁?
Play Button Where is the owner of this vehicle? Play Button ley gar chey ge chey chu haai bin do ah? 呢架车嘅车主喺边度呀?
Play Button Move the vehicle. Play Button cite hoi gar chey 驶开架车
Play Button Who are those people over there? Play Button gor bin de haai mut yeh yan? 嗰边啲係乜嘢人?
Play Button Who owns this business? Play Button bin gor haai ley do ge low ban ah? 边个係呢度嘅老板呀?
Play Button Move that object off the road. Play Button cheung gor yeung haai tiu lu do ge yeh boon hoi 将个样喺条路度嘅嘢搬开
Play Button Who lives in that home? Play Button bin gor chu haai gor gan uk kay do ah? 边个住喺个间屋企度呀?
Play Button How far away is this town? Play Button ley gor chun lay ley do yau gay yuen ah? 呢个镇离呢度有几远呀?
Play Button Where can I find the local (Chief of Police)? Play Button ngah haai bin do hor yee wan do boon day ge ___? 我喺边度可以揾倒本地嘅___?
Play Button Where is the sewer access? Play Button paai sui do ge yup hau haai bin do ah? 排水道嘅入口喺边度呀?
Play Button Who owns weapons in this area? Play Button haai ley do bin gor yan yung yau mo hay ah? 喺呢度边个人拥有武器呀?
Play Button These are secured areas. Play Button ley de haai saow bo wu kui 呢啲喺受保护区
Play Button This is a blocked area. Play Button ley do haai fung sor day kui 呢度喺封锁哋区
Play Button This area is off limits. Play Button ley gor day kui gum jee yup loi 呢个地区禁止入内
Play Button The barriers will prevent any attacks. Play Button ley dee cheung oi mut hor yee fong fan yum ho gung gik 呢啲障碍物可以防犯任何攻击
Play Button Don't move. Play Button m ho yuk 吾好旭
Play Button Move fast! Play Button heng faai dee! 行快啲!
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