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Play Button We are leading a convoy through this area. Play Button ngah day taai gun yat gor gwan dui wang gwor lay do 我哋带紧一个车队橫过呢度
Play Button We are responsible for the security of the convoy. Play Button ngah day haai foo jark gwan dui ge on chuen ge 我哋系负责车队既安全既
Play Button We must conduct safety inspections on all the vehicles. Play Button ngah day yiu jup heng dui chey leung ge gim char 我哋要执行对车辆既检查
Play Button We must drive the convoy through this intersection. Play Button ngah day yiu cheung gwan dui wang gwor lay gor gaw char deem 我哋要将车队橫过呢个交叉点
Play Button We are escorting the convoy. Play Button ngah day haai gwan dui ge wu hong 我哋系车队既护航
Play Button We must seek an alternate route. Play Button ngah day yiu won ling oi yat tiu lo heng 我哋要揾另外一条路行
Play Button We will use tanks to detonate mines. Play Button ngah day hui yung tan hark lay yun bow de day loi 我哋会用坦克黎引爆啲地雷
Play Button Snipers may fire on convoys in this area. Play Button haai lay do, de jor gik saow hui heung chey dui hoi cheung 系呢度,啲狙击手会向车队开枪
Play Button Unexploded ordnance may be planted in the road. Play Button may yun bow ge gwan fo ho lung hui maai haai lee tiu lo do 未引爆既军火可能会埋系呢条路度
Play Button The convoy will continue when the ambush is suppressed. Play Button dong maai fok baai jaai fok haw, chey dui hui gaai chuk chin chun 当埋伏被制报后,车队会继续前进
Play Button Is there a bridge to cross the river? Play Button yau mo ho yee gwor lee tiu ho ge kiu ah? 有冇可以过呢条河既桥呀?
Play Button Will this bridge support heavy vehicles? Play Button lay tiu kiu sou duk haai chung ying chey leung mah? 呢条桥受得起重型车辆吗?
Play Button Does this road lead through any towns? Play Button lay tiu lo hui chuen gwor see chun mah? 呢条路会穿过市镇吗?
Play Button Does this road lead through heavy traffic areas? Play Button lay tiu lo hui chuen gwor gaw tung fan mong ge day kui mah? 呢条路会穿过交通繁忙既地区吗?
Play Button Are there friendly units in this area? Play Button lay gor day kui yau mo yau gwan ah? 呢个地区有冇友军呀?
Play Button Was enemy activity reported in this area? Play Button yau bo go wah lay do yau dik yan wood dung mah? 有报告话呢度有敌人活动吗?
Play Button Are there checkpoints on this road? Play Button lay tiu lo do yau mo gim char jarm ah? 呢条路度有冇检查站呀?
Play Button Is there a site to refuel? Play Button yau mo day fong gar yau ah? 有冇地方加油呀?
Play Button Are there areas to take cover? Play Button yau mo day fong ho yee jam see joe yim wu ah? 有冇地方可以临时做掩护呀?
Play Button We need assistance. Play Button ngah day sui yiu bong saow 我哋需要帮手
Play Button Look out for booby traps in the area. Play Button haai lee gor day kui do siu sum hum cheng 系呢个地区度小心陷阱
Play Button Do not drive on the shoulder of the road. Play Button ngah ho haai lo geen do heng chey 吾好系路肩度行车
Play Button Follow the vehicle in front of you. Play Button gun jui lay chin meen gar chey heng 跟住你前面架车行
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