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Play Button We will receive the EPWs from the combat units. Play Button ngah day hui haai dzin dout dan waai do jeep sou dzin foo 我哋会系战斗单位度接收战俘
Play Button We have to evacuate the EPWs from the battle zone. Play Button ngah day yiu cheung dzin foo chit lay dzin dout kui 我哋要将战俘撤离战斗区
Play Button We will deliver the EPWs to the proper authorities. Play Button ngah day hui cheung dzin foo sung do sik dong kay dzee guan bo mun 我哋会将战俘送到适当既主管部门
Play Button We are here to enforce the law. Play Button ngah day haai lay do jup heng fat gey ge 我哋系黎呢度执行法纪嘅
Play Button We are here to assist the local law enforcement if needed. Play Button yau sui yiu ge wah, ngah day hui haai lay do bong jor boon day ge jup fat jair 有需要嘅话,我哋会系呢度帮助本地嘅执法者
Play Button We will respond to any attack. Play Button ngah day hui dui yum ho gung gik jork chui fan gik 我哋会对任何攻击作出反击
Play Button We are here to protect the loading zones. Play Button ngah day haai lay lee do bow wu jong for kui ge 我哋系黎呢度保护装货区既
Play Button We are patrolling the road to detect and defeat threats. Play Button ngah day haai lay lay tiu lo do chuen law, tam sock tung maai ping fok kok chung ge waai hip 我哋系呢条路度巡逻, 探索同埋平服各种既威胁
Play Button We are mapping the terrain features. Play Button ngah day wak gun day ying to 我哋画緊地形图
Play Button We will protect these pipelines. Play Button ngah day wui bo wu lay dee yau guan 我哋会保护呢啲油管
Play Button We are providing security to this convoy. Play Button ngah day haai do waai lay gor chey dui taai gung on chuen bo wu 我哋系度為呢个车队提供安全保护
Play Button How far away is this town? Play Button lay gor chun lay lay do yau gey yuan? 呢个镇离呢度有几远?
Play Button What is the name of this ridgeline? Play Button lay tiu san jack giu mut yeah meng? 呢条山脊叫乜野名?
Play Button Where are the water pipes? Play Button dee sui guan haai bin do? 啲水管系边度?
Play Button Is there any nuclear, biological or chemical (NBC) contamination in the area? Play Button lay gor day kui yau mo sau do (hut sang far) ge gum yim? 呢个地区有冇受到(核生化)既感染?
Play Button The storage area is off-limits. Play Button lay gor chuen fong haai gum kui 呢个库房系禁区
Play Button You must report any NBC contamination. Play Button lay yat deng yiu po go yum ho hut sang far gum yim ge ching fong 你一定要报告任何核生化感染既情况
Play Button These are secured areas. Play Button lay dee haai on chuen bo wu kui 呢啲系安全保护区
Play Button This is a blocked area. Play Button lay do haai gark lay day kui 呢度系隔离地区
Play Button This area is off limits. Play Button lay do haai gum kui 呢度系禁区
Play Button The barriers will prevent any attacks. Play Button lay dee chang oi mut ho yee yu fong yum ho gung gik 呢啲障碍物可以预防任何攻击
Play Button Leave! This is a contaminated area. Play Button fite dee lay hoi! lay do haai sou gum yim kui 快啲离开!呢度系受感染区
Play Button Stay away from the railways. Play Button m ho jaou kun teet lo 吾好走近铁路
Play Button Stay away! This is a restricted zone. Play Button bo chee kui lay! lay do haai gum kui 保持距離!呢度系禁区
Play Button Don't move. Play Button ngah ho yuk 吾好旭
Play Button Move fast! Play Button heng file dee! 行快啲!
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