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Play Button We will set up traffic control points (TCPs) in the area. Play Button eegosey chadansoreul seolcheehal koseeda 이곳에 차단소를 설치할 것이다.
Play Button The TCP locations will be decided by the MPs. Play Button heonbyongee chadansoreul awdeeye tuljee kyoljanghal koseeda 헌병이 차단소를 어디에 둘지 결정할 것이다.
Play Button The TCP personnel will work hard to prevent delays. Play Button chadanso haanbyong deureun cheechereul mak kee weehey yolsimhee eelhal koseeda 차단소 헌병들은 지체를 막기위해 열심히 일할 것이다.
Play Button Our TCP team will keep records of passing vehicles and units. Play Button chadansotimee jinakaaneun charyangkwa budereul geerogey namgeegetaa 차단소팀이 지나가는 차량과 부대를 기록에 남기겠다.
Play Button The TCP will apprehend violators. Play Button chadansoneun weeban jadeureul chepohal koseeda 차단소는 위반자들을 체포할 것이다.
Play Button Make sure refugee traffic does not delay military traffic. Play Button porocharyangee koondey charyangeul jeechesee keejee andorok haseeyo 포로차량이 군대 차량을 지체시키지 않도록 하시오.
Play Button The TCP personnel will reroute traffic as needed. Play Button chadanso eyseo peeryo hamyon dareun geel lo doragagey halkoseeda 차단소에서 필요하면 다른 길로 돌아가게 할것이다.
Play Button Our mission is ongoing until further notice. Play Button tareuncheeseega eeseultekajee eem mooreul gyesok soohengheya handa 다른지시가 있을때까지 임무를 계속 수행해야 한다.
Play Button Food and water will be supplied by other units. Play Button tareun pudega eumsikwa mooreul kongkeuphal koseeda 다른 부대가 음식과 물을 공급할 것이다.
Play Button Nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) detection equipment will be provided. Play Button hek, sengmulhakjak, hwahakjak tamjeejang cheega gongkeuptoel koseeda 핵, 생물학적, 화학적 탐지장치가 공급될 것이다.
Play Button Reflective arm cuffs will be provided. Play Button yagwang palmoktega kongkeuptoel koseeda 야광 팔목대가 공급될 것이다.
Play Button Enemy may use agents acting as refugees. Play Button jaakgunee aama porochaaram hengdonghamyo yowoneul eeyonghaljeedo moreunda 적군이 아마 포로처럼 행동하며 요원을 이용할지도 모른다.
Play Button Safety is very important during all operations. Play Button sooheng choongey anjaanee gajang choongyohada 수행 중에 안전이 가장 중요하다.
Play Button We do not allow unauthorized personnel to observe traffic movement. Play Button heogabatjee aaneun saramee charyang eedongeul pa akal soo eoptaa 허가받지 않은 사람이 차량이동을 파악할 수 없다.
Play Button What is the size of the enemy force? Play Button jakgunwee kyumoga eyoneu jangdoo inga? 적군의 규모가 어느 정도인가?
Play Button Where is the exact location of the enemy? Play Button jaagwee jaanghwakan weecheega awdee inga? 적의 정확한 위치가 어디인가?
Play Button When exactly did you see enemy units? Play Button onjey jaakgun pbudereul jaanghwakhee bowana? 언제 적군 부대를 정확히 보았나?
Play Button What types of enemy units did you see? Play Button jakgunwee eoteon budereul bowana? 적군의 어떤 부대를 보았나?
Play Button What type of equipment did the enemy units carry? Play Button jakgunee eoteon jangbeereul kajeego in naa? 적군이 어떤 장비를 가지고 있나?
Play Button Watch for guerilla activities. Play Button kereel la hwaltongeul salpyoboseeyo 게릴라 활동을 살펴보시오.
Play Button Watch for conventional enemy forces. Play Button jakgunuee jeresik kunsaryogeul salpyoboseeyo 적군의 재래식 군사력을 살펴보시오.
Play Button Watch for enemy aircraft. Play Button jakgunuee beehengeereul salpyoboseeyo 적군의 비행기를 살표보시오.
Play Button Report to us about local inhabitants in the area. Play Button ee jeeyogey geojoohaneun saramdeureul bogohaseeyo 이 지역에 거주하는 사람들을 보고하시오.
Play Button Set up signs to show directions and distance to TCPs. Play Button chadanso kajee kaneun bangbeopkwa keoreereul boyojoogee weehan pyojeepaneul seolchee haseeyo 차단소까지 가는 방법과 거리를 보여 주기 위한 표지판을 설치하시오.
Play Button Direct refugees to refugee routes. Play Button nanmin sooyongso kajee nanmindeureul anehey choosheeyo 난민수용소까지 난민들을 안내해 주시오.
Play Button Search the surrounding area for enemies. Play Button joobyoney jaakgunee eenneunjee soosek haseeyo 주변에 적군이 있는지 수색하시오.
Play Button Park the team’s vehicle in a covered and safe position. Play Button pudey charyangeul anjaanhan kosey choocha haseeyo 부대차량을 안전한 곳에 주차하시오.
Play Button Set up communication with other TCP units. Play Button taareun chadanso wawee tongseenreul seolchee haseeyo 다른 차단소와의 통신를 설치하시오.
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