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Play Button This RB is to limit access to this road. Play Button ee nosang jangemooreun eegil jaapkeuneul chehan handa 이 노상 장애물은 이길 접근을 제한한다.
Play Button This RB is to close access to this road. Play Button ee nosang jangemooreun eegil jaapkeuneul tongjey handa 이 노상 장애물은 이길 접근을 통제한다.
Play Button These RBs and CPs will ensure only authorized use of this main supply route (MSR). Play Button nosang jangemoolgwa chadansoga choongyo moolja gongkeubeul weeheseoman sayongdoel soo eet torok hal koseeda 노상 장애물과 차단소가 중요 물자 공급을 위해서만 사용될 수 있도록 할 것이다.
Play Button These RBs and CPs will ensure that convoys move on schedule. Play Button toro jangey mooldeulkwa chadansoneun gyehoektoen hosongman heogahal koseeda 도로 장애물들과 차단소는 계획된 호송만 허가할 것이다.
Play Button The position of RBs / CPs will change constantly. Play Button nosang jangeymool kwa chadansowee weecheeneun gyesokjaageuro bakweel koseeda 노상 장애물 과 차단소의 위치는 계속적으로 바뀔 것이다.
Play Button In a single team operation one member will stop and direct traffic. Play Button han teemwey hanmyongee charyang joongjeewa gyotongjee sheereul hal koseeda 한 팀의 한명이 차량중지와 교통지시를 할 것이다.
Play Button We don’t allow anyone to pass without a proper ID. Play Button jakhaphan kongmincheung eopsheeneun aamoodo tongkwasikil soo eoptaa 적합한 공민증 없이는 아무도 통과시킬 수 없다.
Play Button What is your cargo? Play Button mooseun hwamool ingaa? 무슨 화물인가?
Play Button Where are your cargo documents? Play Button hwamoorey gwanhan seoryooga awdeeye in naa? 화물에 관한 서류가 어디에 있나?
Play Button Where does your cargo originate from? Play Button hwamool chulbaljeeneun awdee eenga? 화물 출발지는 어디인가?
Play Button Where did you pick up your cargo? Play Button awdeeyeseo hwamooreul chajan naa? 어디에서 화물을 찾았나?
Play Button What is your destination? Play Button mokjaakjeega awdee eengaa? 목적지가 어디인가?
Play Button We will prevent actions that would aid the enemy. Play Button jaagkuney towoomee doeneun hengdongeun chadanhal koseeda 적군에 도움이 되는 행동은 차단할 것이다.
Play Button We will inspect cargo when instructed to do so. Play Button jeesheereul padeumyon hwamooreul geomsahal koseeda 지시를 받으면 화물을 검사할 것이다.
Play Button We will stop locals from supplying the enemy. Play Button jaagegey jaangboreul jegonghaneun jeeyokjoomin teureul mageul koseeda 적에게 정보를 제공하는 지역주민들을 막을 것이다.
Play Button We are here to stop black market operations. Play Button amsheejang keorereul makgeeweehey wat taa 암시장 거래를 막기위해 왔다.
Play Button We will establish an area for searching vehicles. Play Button charyang geomsegeul weehan jangsoreul seolcheehal koseeda 차량 검색을 위한 장소를 설치할 것이다.
Play Button We have vehicles ready to pursue those avoiding the RBs. Play Button nosang jangemooreul peehaneun charyangdeuree eet taa 노상 장애물을 피하는 차량들이 있다.
Play Button We must prepare defensive positions. Play Button pangyohagee weehan joonbeereul heyaman handa 방어하기 위한 준비를 해야만 한다.
Play Button We will block roadway shoulders and ditches around RBs. Play Button toro joobyonwee katkilgwa torangeul chadanhal koseeda 도로주변의 갓길과 도랑을 차단할 것이다.
Play Button Show me your vehicle’s ID papers. Play Button charyang teungnok cheungeul poyo chooseeyo 차량 등록증을 보여 주시오.
Play Button Show me your papers for the cargo. Play Button hwamoorey kwanhan seoryureul poyow chooseeyo 화물에 관한 서류를 보여 주시오.
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