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Play Button We are leading a convoy through this area. Play Button ee goseul tongkwa haneun tongan hosongchareul an nehago eet taa 이 곳을 통과하는 동안 호송차를 안내하고 있다.
Play Button We are responsible for the security of the convoy. Play Button hosong anjaaney tehan chegeemee ooreehantey eet taa 호송안전에 대한 책임이 우리한테 있다.
Play Button We must conduct safety inspections on all the vehicles. Play Button modeun charyangeun anjaan keomsareul padaya handa 모든 차량은 안전 검사를 받아야 한다.
Play Button We must drive the convoy through this intersection. Play Button hosong chaga ee sageoreereul jeena gaya handa 호송차가 이 사거리를 지나가야 한다.
Play Button We are escorting the convoy. Play Button hosong chareul howeehago eet taa 호송차를 호위하고 있다.
Play Button We must seek an alternate route. Play Button tareun tororeul araa poyayaman handa 다른 도로를 알아 보아야만 한다.
Play Button We will use tanks to detonate mines. Play Button jeeroepok bareul weehey jaanchaeul sayonghal koseeda 지뢰폭발을 위해 전차을 사용할 것이다.
Play Button Snipers may fire on convoys in this area. Play Button ee jeeyogeyseo jaagyoksooga hosongey sagyogeul halchee moreunda. 이 지역에서 저격수가 호송에 사격을 할지 모른다.
Play Button Unexploded ordnance may be planted in the road. Play Button pokbaltoejee aaneun tanyagee toroye moochya eeseuljee moreunda 폭발되지 않은 탄약이 도로에 뭍혀 있을지 모른다.
Play Button The convoy will continue when the ambush is suppressed. Play Button mebogee teumhey jeemyon hosongee gyesok toel koseeda 매복이 뜸해지면 호송이 계속 될 것이다.
Play Button Is there a bridge to cross the river? Play Button kangeul geon neolsoo een neun tareega een neunga? 강을 건널 수 있는 다리가 있는가?
Play Button Will this bridge support heavy vehicles? Play Button ee tareega moogeowoon charyangeul gyondeel soo een neunga? 이 다리가 무거운 차량을 견딜 수 있는가?
Play Button Does this road lead through any towns? Play Button ee toroga eot teon maeuldeureul tongkwa haneunga? 이 도로가 어떤 마을들을 통과하는가?
Play Button Does this road lead through heavy traffic areas? Play Button ee toroga gyotong honjap jeeyogeul jeena kaneunga? 이 도로가 교통 혼잡 지역을 지나가는가?
Play Button Are there friendly units in this area? Play Button ee jeeyogey tongjeekoonee een neunga? 이 지역에 동지군이 있는가?
Play Button Was enemy activity reported in this area? Play Button ee jeeyogeyseo jaakgoonwee hwaltongee pogo toeye oseon na? 이 지역에서 적군의 활동이 보고 되었었나?
Play Button Are there checkpoints on this road? Play Button ee toroye chadansoga een neunga? 이 도로에 차단소가 있는가?
Play Button Is there a site to refuel? Play Button keubyuhal gosee een neunga? 급유할 곳이 있는가?
Play Button Are there areas to take cover? Play Button tepeehal jeeyogee een neunga? 대피할 지역이 있는가?
Play Button We need assistance. Play Button to oomee peeryohada 도움이 필요하다.
Play Button Look out for booby traps in the area. Play Button ee jeeyogey seoneun weejang poktaneul choshim hara 이 지역에서는 위장 폭탄을 조심하라.
Play Button Do not drive on the shoulder of the road. Play Button katkil lo oonjaanhajee mara 갓길로 운전하지 마라.
Play Button Follow the vehicle in front of you. Play Button apchareul taragara 앞차를 따라가라
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