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Play Button We will receive the EPWs from the combat units. Play Button aam dey iKhseeret duzhmeney wargren il shaanet shar kerey ئه‌م دێ ئخسیرێت دوژمنی وه‌رگرن ل شانێت شه‌ڕکه‌ری
Play Button We have to evacuate the EPWs from the battle zone. Play Button devayt aam iKhseeret duzhmeney va gohzeen il maydaanaa sharey دڤێت ئه‌م ئخسیرێت دوژمنی ڤه‌گوهێزن ل مه‌یدانا شه‌ڕی
Play Button We will deliver the EPWs to the proper authorities. Play Button aam dey iKhseeret duzhmeney dega heena dast dast halaatet taaybet ئه‌م دێ ئخسیرێت دوژمنی د گه‌هيينه ده‌ست ده‌ستهه‌ڵاتێت تایبه‌ت
Play Button We are here to enforce the law. Play Button aam il vey rey na, taa koo yaasaayey breeva bin ئه‌م ل ڤێرێ نه‌، تا کو یاسای بڕێڤه‌بن
Play Button We are here to assist the local law enforcement if needed. Play Button aam il vey rey na daa koo haaree kaareeyaa kaar bedast naafKhoyey bekin ئه‌م ل ڤێرێنه‌ دا کو هاریکاریا کاربده‌ستێت نا‌ڤخۆ‌یی بکن
Play Button We will respond to any attack. Play Button aam dey barsevaa har hershakey da-eyn ئه‌م دێ به‌رسڤا هه‌ر هێرشه‌کێ ده يین
Play Button We are here to protect the loading zones. Play Button aam il vey rey na daa koo jehey baar halgertney bepaareyzen ئه‌م ل ڤێرێ نه‌ دا کو جه‌هێ بار هلگرتنێ بپارێزن
Play Button We are patrolling the road to detect and defeat threats. Play Button aam wey zera vaaneyey il rey degen dizhey har har shakey ئه‌م وێ زێره‌ڤانیێ ل رێ دگه ن دژی هه‌ر هه‌ڕه‌شه‌کێ
Play Button We are mapping the terrain features. Play Button aam wey naKhshaa jehey da dayneen ئه‌م وێ نه‌خشا جه‌هێ دادێینن
Play Button We will protect these pipelines. Play Button aam dey vey borey paareyzen ئه‌م دێ ڤێ بۆڕیێ پارێزن
Play Button We are providing security to this convoy. Play Button aam dey vey kaarwaaney paareyzen ئه‌م دێ ڤێ کاروانی پارێزن
Play Button How far away is this town? Play Button aaw baazhaara chand deyra? ئه‌و باژاره‌ چه‌ند دیره؟‌
Play Button What is the name of this ridgeline? Play Button naavey vey cheyayey cheeya? ناڤێ ڤێ چیایی چییه‌؟
Play Button Where are the water pipes? Play Button kaaney boreyaa aavey? کانێ بۆڕیا ئاڤێ؟
Play Button Is there any nuclear, biological or chemical (NBC) contamination in the area? Play Button aayaa che jehey pees ib chakey aatomeyo baayolojeeyo keemyaawee hana il vey rey? ئایا چ جه‌هێ پیس ب چه‌کێ ئه‌تۆمی و بایلۆجی و کیمیاوی هه‌نه‌ لڤێرێ؟
Play Button The storage area is off-limits. Play Button maKhzen tizhya مه‌خز‌ه‌ن تژیه‌
Play Button You must report any NBC contamination. Play Button devayt too har che aatomeyo baayolojeeyo keemyaawee report bekey دڤێت تۆ هه‌ر چ ئه‌تۆمی و بایلۆجی و کیمیاوی ڕیپۆرت بکێ
Play Button These are secured areas. Play Button aav jaha aasaayesh teydaa bar jas teya ئه‌ڤ جه‌هه‌ ئاسایش تێدا به ر جه سته یه‌
Play Button This is a blocked area. Play Button aav jaha gerteya ئه‌ڤ جه‌هه‌ گرتی یه‌
Play Button This area is off limits. Play Button aav jaha qadaghaya ئه‌ڤ جه‌هه‌ قه‌ده‌غه‌ یه‌
Play Button The barriers will prevent any attacks. Play Button reyket gertey dey ma paareezet il har hershakey ڕێکێت گرتی دێ مه‌ پارێزت ل هه‌ر هێرشه‌کێ
Play Button Leave! This is a contaminated area. Play Button hara! aav jaha na paaqezha هه‌ڕه‌! ئه‌ڤ جه‌هه‌ نه‌ پاقژه‌
Play Button Stay away from the railways. Play Button deer ba ilreykaa shaman dafarey دیر به‌ ل ڕێکا شه‌مه‌نده‌فه‌رێ
Play Button Stay away! This is a restricted zone. Play Button deer ba! aav jehey qadaghaya دیر به‌! ئه‌ڤه‌ جه‌هێ قه‌ده‌غه‌یه‌
Play Button Don't move. Play Button na liva نه‌ لڤه‌
Play Button Move fast! Play Button Khosh hara! خۆ‌ش هه‌ره‌!
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