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Play Button We will process enemy prisoners of war (EPWs). Play Button moong baa daduKhman jangee aseeRaano na suwaaloona wukRoo مونږ به ددښمن جنګی اسیرانو نه سوالونه وکرو
Play Button MPs will repatriate EPWs and CIs (civilians internees) later. Play Button enzibaataan ba daduKhman jangee o melkee aseeRaan wuRustaa bal zaay ta wuligee انظباطان به ددښمن جنګی او ملکی اسیرن وروسته بل ځای ته وللیږی
Play Button We will handle all EPWs and CIs according to the provisions of the Geneva Convention. Play Button moong ba daduKhman jangee o melkee aseeRaano saRa da jeneewa da kaanwenshen da qaanoon pa Raqam salook wukRoo مونږ به ددښمن جنګی او ملکی اسیرانو سره د جینیوا د کانوینشن د قانون په رقم سلوک وکړو
Play Button First aid will be provided for all wounded. Play Button toolo zaKhmeeyaano ta ba lumRaney mRasta baRabaRa shee ټولو زخمیانو ته به لومړنی مرسته برابره شی
Play Button We will protect all EPWs and CIs against ill treatment. Play Button moong baa tol da duKhman jangee o melkee aseeRaan da KhaRaab RaftaaR na bach wosaatoo مونږ به تول د دښمن جنګی او ملکی اسیران د خراب رفتار نه بچ وساتو
Play Button All EPWs and CIs will be searched and tagged. Play Button tol da duKhman jangee o melkee aseeRaan baa biyaa talaashee o taapee shee ټول د دښمن جنګی او ملکی اسیران به بیا تلاشی او تاپه شی
Play Button We will safeguard your money and valuables. Play Button staasoo pesey o qeymatee shaayaan baa pa heefaazat wosaatoo ستاتو پیسی او قیمتی شیان به په حفاظت وساتو
Play Button We will give you a receipt for your money and valuables. Play Button staasoo da peyso aw qeymatee shaayaano la paaRa baa sanad daRkaw ستاسو د پیسو او قیمتی شیانو له پاره به سند درکوو
Play Button Money and valuables will be returned to you. Play Button pesey o qeymatee shaayaan ba taasoo ta byiRta daRkRey shee پیسی او قیمتی شیان به تاسو ته بیرته درکړی شی
Play Button We will lead you to an enclosed area. Play Button moong baa taasoo yaw band zaay ta boozoo مونږ به تاسو یو بند ځای ته بوزو
Play Button You are allowed to dig foxholes. Play Button taasoo Khandekoona kanaley shey تاسو خندکونه کنلی شی
Play Button You are allowed to dig holes in the ground to help shelter you. Play Button taaso pa zmaka key da panaa aKhesto dapaaRa Khandekoona kanaley shey تاسو په ځمکه کی د پناه اخیستو دپاره خندکونه کنلی شی
Play Button We have to question you. Play Button taasoo tsaKha baayad poKhtena wukRoo تاسو څخه باید پوښتنه وکړو
Play Button Somebody will question you now. Play Button oos baa yawsok taasoo tsaKha poKhtena wukRee اوس به یوسوک تاسو څخه پوښتنه وکری
Play Button You will be taken to another location. Play Button taasoo ba bel zaay ta entiqaal shey تاسو به بل ځای ته انتقال شی
Play Button You will be assigned an identification number (internment serial number). Play Button taasoo ta ba da pezhandgalo numRa daR kRey shey تاسو ته به د پیژندګلو نمره در کړی شی
Play Button Your information will be provided to a Prisoner of War Information Center. Play Button staasoo ma'lomaat ba da jang daaseeRaano maRkaz ta waRkRee shee ستاسو معلومات به د جنګ داسیرانو مرکز ته ور کړی شی
Play Button Do you need first aid? Play Button ta a lumRaney mRasta ta zaRooRat laRee? ته ا لومرنی مرسته ته ضرورت لری؟
Play Button Are you hurt? Play Button ta Khoog shawee yi? ته خوږشوی یئ؟
Play Button Do you need food? Play Button ta dodaay ta zaRooRat laRee? ته ډوډی ته ضرورت لری؟
Play Button Do you need water? Play Button ta obu ta zaRooRat laRee? ته اوبو ته ضرورت لری؟
Play Button Do you have any documents? Play Button ta kom sanad laRee? ته کوم سند لری؟
Play Button Do you have weapons? Play Button ta wasla laRee? ته وسله لری؟
Play Button What is your name? Play Button staa noom tse dey? ستا نوم څه دی؟
Play Button What is your rank? Play Button staa rutba tse da? ستا رتبه څه ده؟
Play Button What is your unit? Play Button qashla de tse da? قشله د څه ده؟
Play Button Do you have any information for us? Play Button ta moong ta kom ma'loomaat laRee? ټه مونږ ته کوم معلومات لری؟
Play Button Where is your unit? Play Button staa qashla cheRey da? ستا قشله چیری ده؟
Play Button Provide shelter to protect EPWs from the elements. Play Button da duKhman jangee aseeRaano ta da aab o hawaa na bechkawaloo dapaaRa Kheymee waRkRee د دښمن جنکی اسیرانو ته د آب وهوا نه بچکولو دپاره خیمی ورکړی
Play Button All male EPWs will be moved to another location. Play Button da duKhman da jangee aseeRaano tol saRee baa bal zaay ta entiqaal shee د دښمن د جنکی اسیرانو ټول سری به بل ځای ته انتقال شی
Play Button Do not speak to anybody. Play Button da his chaa saRa KhabaRey ma kawa د هیچ چا سره خبری مه کوه
Play Button Stand still. Play Button ma Khwaza مه ښوزه
Play Button Move here. Play Button delta Raasha دلته راشه
Play Button Stay within this area. Play Button pa Khpal zaay key wodRega په خپل ځای کی ودریږه
Play Button Do not cross this boundary. Play Button dadey Khat na maKhkey laaR na shey د دی خط نه مخکی لاړ نه شی
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