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Play Button What is the caliber and type of the weapon? Play Button daa saRangaa topak dey o saRanga maRmeye KhoRee? دا څرنګه ټوپک دی او څرنګه مرمې خوری؟
Play Button Is this a direct fire weapon like a rifle or bazooka? Play Button aayaa daa wasla da topak yaa bozooka pa Rang seeda feR kawee? آیا دا وسله د ټوپک یا بوزوکه په رنګ سیده فیر کوی؟
Play Button Is this an indirect fire weapon like a mortar or cannon? Play Button aayaa daa wasla da haawaan yaa da topak pa Rang gheR seeda feR kawee? آیا دا وسله د هاوان یا د توپ په رنګ غیر سیده فیر کوی؟
Play Button Was the weapon mounted on a tripod? Play Button aayaa wasla pa dRey paaya baandey eKhodele shewe wa? آیا وسله په دری پایه باندې ایښودلی شوی وه؟
Play Button How many personnel operated this specific weapon? Play Button tsumRa kaaRkonaano pa dagha maKhsoosa wasla baandey kaaR kawo? څومره کارکنانو په دغه مخصوصه وسله باندې کار کوه؟
Play Button Where and when did you see this weapon? Play Button chiRee o se waKht dey dagha wasla woledela? چیری او څه وخت دی دغه وسله ولیدله؟
Play Button What was the approximate size of the projectile? Play Button da maRmey taqReeban tsumRa zaaweeyaa wa? د مرمی تقریبآ څومره زاویه وه؟
Play Button Has the weapon been modified in any way? Play Button aayaa wasley ta ba ye kom Raqam tagheeR waRkaRe wo? آیا وسلی ته ېئ په کوم رقم تغیر ورکری وه؟
Play Button How effective was the crew operating the weapon? (accuracy in training) Play Button da wasla da chalawolo kaaRkonaan tsumRa poh wo? د وسله د چلولو کارکنان څومره پوح وه؟
Play Button Was the crew accurate? Play Button aayaa kaaRkonaano sahee kaaR kawolo? آیا کارکنانوصحیح کار کولو؟
Play Button How was the crew trained? Play Button da kaaRkonaano tsumRa poha wo? د کارکنانو څومره پوهه وه؟
Play Button What identifying marks were on the weapon? Play Button pa wasla baandey da pezhandgalo se naKhey we? په وسله باندې د پیژندګلو څه نښی وی؟
Play Button How fast did this weapon fire? How many rounds (bullets) per minute? How many rounds (bullets) per minute? Play Button dagha wasla tsumRa tez feR wokRo? tsumRa maRmey ye yo daqeeqa key feR showee? دغه وسله څومره تیز فیر وکرو ؟ څومره مرمې په یوه دقیقه کې فیر شوی؟
Play Button Did the crew perform barrel changes? Play Button aayaa kaaRkonaano da wasley mazalee badale kRee? آیا کارکنانو د وسلی مزلی بدلی کری؟
Play Button Did the gun crew have a radio or binoculars? Play Button aayaa da tofang kaaRkonaano Raadeeyo yaa doRbeenona daRlodel? آیا د تفنګ کارکنانو رادیو یا دوربینونه درلودل؟
Play Button What else can you tell me about this weapon system? Play Button da dagha wasley pa baaRakey noR se Raata waalay shee? د دغه وسلی په باره کې نور څه راته ویلی شی؟
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