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Play Button We will process enemy prisoners of war (EPWs). Play Button gud-day esurat tsela-i kinwed-de-o ina. ጕዳይ እሱራት ጸላኢ፡ ክንውድኦ ኢና።
Play Button MPs will repatriate EPWs and CIs (civilians internees) later. Play Button polisna ni-esurat tsela-in ab Qeydi ni-zi-tsenHu tera sebaten kes-senabitu ey-yom. ፖሊስና፡ንእሱራት ጸላኢን ኣብ ቀይዲ ንዝጸንሑ ተራ ሰባትን፡ ከሰናብቱ እዮም።
Play Button We will handle all EPWs and CIs according to the provisions of the Geneva Convention. Play Button nay tsela-i yiKhunu tera sebat esurat gudayom dingagye wu'el jeneva teKhet-tilna kinwid-de-o ina. ናይ ጸላኢ ይኹኑ ተራ ሰባት እሱራት፡ ጕዳዮም፡ ድንጋጌ ውዕል ጀነቫ ተኸቲልና ክንውድኦ ኢና።
Play Button First aid will be provided for all wounded. Play Button ziKhwene wugu-e Qed-damay redi-et kigberel-lu ey-yu. ዝዀነ ውጉእ፡ ቀዳማይ ረዲኤት ክግበረሉ እዩ።
Play Button We will protect all EPWs and CIs against ill treatment. Play Button kul-lom esurat abalat tsela-i yiKhunu tera sebat key-yibid-delu niHelwom ina. ኵሎም እሱራት፡ ኣባላት ጸላኢ ይኹኑ ተራ ሰባት፡ ከይብደሉ ንሕልዎም ኢና።
Play Button All EPWs and CIs will be searched and tagged. Play Button kul-lom esurat abalat tsela-i yiKhunu tera sebat meft-tashen mimlkat menen-neten kigberel-lom ey-yu. ኵሎም እሱራት፡ ኣባላት ጸላኢ ይኹኑ ተራ ሰባት፡ ምፍታሽን ምምልካት መንነትን ክግበረሎም እዩ።
Play Button We will safeguard your money and valuables. Play Button genzebkumen kal-e nibretkumen kin'eQ-Qibelkum ina. ገንዘብኩምን ካልእ ንብረትኩምን ክንዕቅበልኩም ኢና።
Play Button We will give you a receipt for your money and valuables. Play Button nay genzebkumen nibretkumen Qeb-bilit kin-hibek-kum ina. ናይ ገንዘብኩምን ንብረትኩምን ቅብሊት ክንህበኩም ኢና።
Play Button Money and valuables will be returned to you. Play Button genzebkumen kal-e nibretkumen kiml-leselkum ey-yu. ገንዘብኩምን ካልእ ንብረትኩምን ክምለሰልኩም እዩ።
Play Button We will lead you to an enclosed area. Play Button nab ziteKhebebe bota kinwesdek-ka ina. ናብ ዝተኸበበ ቦታ ክንወስደካ ኢና።
Play Button You are allowed to dig foxholes. Play Button gwedagudi kitku'tu yifQ-Qedelkum ey-yu. ጐዳጕዲ ክትኵዕቱ ይፍቀደልኩም እዩ።
Play Button You are allowed to dig holes in the ground to help shelter you. Play Button metseg'i ziKhewn gudgwad miKhu'at yifQ-Qed ey-yu. መጸግዒ ዝኸውን፡ ጕድጓድ ምዅዓት ይፍቀድ እዩ።
Play Button We have to question you. Play Button kin-Hat-tek-ka gebu-e ey-yu. ክንሓተካ ግቡእ እዩ።
Play Button Somebody will question you now. Play Button ziHat-tek-ka seb Hej-ji kimets-e ey-yu. ዝሓተካ ሰብ ሕጂ ክመጽእ እዩ።
Play Button You will be taken to another location. Play Button nab kal-e bota kitwis-sed iKha. ናብ ካልእ ቦታ ክትውሰድ ኢኻ።
Play Button You will be assigned an identification number (internment serial number). Play Button meleleyi Qutsri kihelwek-ka ey-yu. መለለዪ ቊጽሪ ክህልወካ እዩ (ተርታ ቊጽሪ ማሕቡስ)።
Play Button Your information will be provided to a Prisoner of War Information Center. Play Button beza'baKha zel-lo Habereta nab ma-ekel Habereta esurat kwinat kiteHalalef ey-yu. ብዛዕባኻ ዘሎ ሓበሬታ፡ናብ ማእከል ሓበሬታ እሱራት ኲናት ክተሓላለፍ'ዩ።
Play Button Do you need first aid? Play Button nay mejemerta redi-et-do yedliyek-ka ey-yu? ናይ መጀመርታ ረዲኤትዶ የድልየካ እዩ?
Play Button Are you hurt? Play Button mahseyti al-lek-ka-do? ማህሰይቲ ኣለካዶ?
Play Button Do you need food? Play Button megbi yedlyek-ka-do? ምግቢ የድልየካዶ?
Play Button Do you need water? Play Button may yedliyek-ka-do? ማይ የድልየካዶ?
Play Button Do you have any documents? Play Button senedat al-lek-ka-do? ሰነዳት ኣለካዶ?
Play Button Do you have weapons? Play Button beret al-lek-ka-do ey-yu? ብረት ኣለካዶ እዩ?
Play Button What is your name? Play Button men-yu semka? መን'ዩ ስምካ?
Play Button What is your rank? Play Button mez-zinetka entay ey-yu? መዝነትካ እንታይ እዩ?
Play Button What is your unit? Play Button ahaduKha ay-yeneyti ey-ya? ኣሃዱኻ ኣየነይቲ እያ?
Play Button Do you have any information for us? Play Button ne'ana et-ti-heben-na Habereta-do al-lo? ንዓና እትህበና ሓበሬታዶ ኣሎ?
Play Button Where is your unit? Play Button ahaduKha abey tirik-keb? ኣሃዱኻ ኣበይ ትርከብ?
Play Button Provide shelter to protect EPWs from the elements. Play Button ni-esurat kwinat tsela-i kab Qurin haruren nimidHan me'Qwebi giberu. ንእሱራት ኲናት ጸላኢ፡ ካብ ቊርን ሃሩርን ንምድሓን፡ መዕቈቢ ግበሩ።
Play Button All male EPWs will be moved to another location. Play Button kul-lom deQi teba'tiyo esurat tsela-i nab kal-e bota kig'zu ey-yom. ኵሎም ደቂ-ተባዕትዮ እሱራት ጸላኢ፡ ናብ ካልእ ቦታ ክግዕዙ እዮም።
Play Button Do not speak to anybody. Play Button mis kal-e seb keytizareb. ምስ ካልእ ሰብ ከይትዛረብ።
Play Button Stand still. Play Button Haf ilka tsinaH. ሓፍ ኢልካ ጽናሕ።
Play Button Move here. Play Button nabzi tenQesaQes. ናብዚ ተንቀሳቐስ።
Play Button Stay within this area. Play Button ab zurya ezi bota tsinaH. ኣብ ዙርያ እዚ ቦታ ጽናሕ።
Play Button Do not cross this boundary. Play Button nezi kil-lil-zi keytisegro. ነዚ ክልል'ዚ ከይትሰግሮ።
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