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Play Button We will set up traffic control points (TCPs) in the area. Play Button aa laa yaw laa kagha tee chyu chi lay chyaw tong kong dzi tee 阿拉要勒葛搿地区建立交通控制点
Play Button The TCP locations will be decided by the MPs. Play Button chyaw tong kong dzi zey gha tee tee yo chung ching chuo ding 交通控制站搿地点由军警决定
Play Button The TCP personnel will work hard to prevent delays. Play Button chyaw tong kong dzi zey gha nying yu wey ching lyaang pee mee yee wu 交通控制站搿人员会尽量避免延误
Play Button Our TCP team will keep records of passing vehicles and units. Play Button aa laa chyaw tong kong dzi zey wey ta ney tong koo waa tsuodzi kaw tey wey sey chee woo ley 阿拉交通控制站会得拿通过搿车子交单位侪记下来
Play Button The TCP will apprehend violators. Play Button chaw tong kong dzi zey wey tey boo wey fa gha ning 交通控制站会逮捕违法搿人
Play Button Make sure refugee traffic does not delay military traffic. Play Button yaw paw dzeng ney ming ley wang gha tsuodzi vaa tay wu chung dey gha tsuodzi 要保证难民来往搿车子勿 耽误军队搿车子
Play Button The TCP personnel will reroute traffic as needed. Play Button pee yaw gha heh hu, chyaw tong kong dzi zey gha ning wey key pee chyaw tong loo shee gha 必要搿闲话,交通控制站搿人会改变交通路线搿
Play Button Our mission is ongoing until further notice. Play Button laa laa mm maa ta taw tong dzi dzi chee, aa laa wey chee zo dza ying aa laa gha seng woo 勒了呒没得到通知之前,阿拉会继续执行阿拉搿任务
Play Button Food and water will be supplied by other units. Play Button cho gha maa zi kaw si yo pay ga tey wey tee kong 吃搿物事交水由别搿单位提供
Play Button Nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) detection equipment will be provided. Play Button aa laa wey shyang naa tee kong haa wuchee, seng vaa hu kaw hoo yaa wuchee gha tu tsa nee chee 阿拉会向捺提供核武器、生物交化学武器搿探测仪器
Play Button Reflective arm cuffs will be provided. Play Button aa laa hey wey shyang naa tee kong yaa kwaang shyo ko taw chyoo 阿拉还会向捺提供夜光袖口套袖
Play Button Enemy may use agents acting as refugees. Play Button waa ning koo neng wey yong ta kong ying yu ley maw tsong ney min 坏人可能会用特工人员来冒充难民
Play Button Safety is very important during all operations. Play Button dza ying seng wu aa zengkwang, u ju zi law zong yaw gha 执行任务搿辰光,安全是老重要搿
Play Button We do not allow unauthorized personnel to observe traffic movement. Play Button maa ching shyu koo aa ning yu, vaa kooyee ku tsa chyaw tong ching kwaang 未经许可搿人员不可以观察交通情况
Play Button What is the size of the enemy force? Play Button tay ping poo dey yo too saw ping ley? 敌兵部队有多少兵力?
Play Button Where is the exact location of the enemy? Play Button tay ping poo tey gha chyu chi wey dzi la saa deefaang? 敌兵部队搿确切位置勒啥地方?
Play Button When exactly did you see enemy units? Play Button nong zi laa saa zengkwang ku taw deh ping poo tey gha? 侬是勒啥辰光看到敌兵部队搿?
Play Button What types of enemy units did you see? Play Button nong ku chee gha teh ping zi naa neng yaang dzi gha poo tey? 侬看见搿敌兵是哪能样子搿部队?
Play Button What type of equipment did the enemy units carry? Play Button teh chwing poo dey yo naa ning ka yaang dzi gha wuchee dzaangbey? 敌军部队有哪能介样子搿武器装备?
Play Button Watch for guerilla activities. Play Button dzi yee yo chi dey gha waa dong 注意游击队搿活动
Play Button Watch for conventional enemy forces. Play Button dzi yee teh ping gha saang kwey poo dey 注意敌兵搿常规部队
Play Button Watch for enemy aircraft. Play Button dzi yee teh ping gha fee chee 注意敌兵搿飞机
Play Button Report to us about local inhabitants in the area. Play Button shyaang aa laa paw kaw yi shyaa yo kwey kagha tee chyu taang tee chu ming aa ching kwaang 向阿拉报告一下有关葛搿地区当地居民搿情况
Play Button Set up signs to show directions and distance to TCPs. Play Button aa lee yi dyaw loo zi taw chyo tong kong dzi zey chi gha, ney loo pyaw pyaw tsa ley, chu lee aa yaw pyaw tsa ley 啊里一条路是到交通控制站去搿,拿路标标出来,距离也要标出来
Play Button Direct refugees to refugee routes. Play Button ney ney ming taa taw ney ming dzu yong loo shee chee 拿难民带到难民专用路线去
Play Button Search the surrounding area for enemies. Play Button so zo ku woo jing tee chyu yo va yo waa ning 查查看附近地区有勿有坏人
Play Button Park the team's vehicle in a covered and safe position. Play Button ney poo dey gha tosudzi dzo haw, ting laa u ju gha deefaang 拿部队搿车子遮好,停勒安全搿地方
Play Button Set up communication with other TCP units. Play Button kaw chee taa chyaw tong kong dzi zey gha tong shwing lee shee yaw chee ley chee ley 交其他交通控制站搿通讯联系要建立起来
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