Online Language Survival Kit
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Play Button This RB is to limit access to this road. Play Button kagha loodzaang siz yong ley ey dzi ka dyaw loo gha chyaw tong gha 葛搿路障是用来限制搿条路搿交通搿
Play Button This RB is to close access to this road. Play Button kagha loodzaang siz yong ley fong ka dyaw loo waa 葛搿路障是用来封搿条路搿
Play Button These RBs and CPs will ensure only authorized use of this main supply route (MSR). Play Button sa zaa ka tee loodzaang siz wey laa paw dzeng nyaang katee taato shyu ku yong ka dyaw dzi koo taw gha ning ley yong 设置搿点路障是为了保证让有许可证搿人来用搿条主干道
Play Button These RBs and CPs will ensure that convoys move on schedule. Play Button ka tee loodzaang kaw kong dzi tee kooyee paw dzeng oo song tsuo dey u si tong ying 搿点路障交 控制点可以保证护送车队按时通行
Play Button The position of RBs/CPs will change constantly. Play Button ka tee loodzaang / kong dzi tee gha wey dzi wey ta su zi key pi 搿点路障/控制点搿位置会得随时改变
Play Button In a single team operation one member will stop and direct traffic. Play Button yi gha shyaw dey tey daw ying dong gha zengkwaang, chee dzong yi gha tey yu yaw ting hoo ley dzi hwey chyaw tong 一个小队单独行动搿辰光,其中一个队员要停下来指挥交通
Play Button We don't allow anyone to pass without a proper ID. Play Button mm ma haa fa gha seng veng dzeng, yi gha aa vaa kooyee koo chee 呒没合法搿身份证,一个也勿可以过去
Play Button What is your cargo? Play Button nong dzaang gha siz saa maa zi? 侬装搿是啥物事?
Play Button Where are your cargo documents? Play Button nong dzaang hoo wa tey dzi na? 侬装货搿单子呢?
Play Button Where does your cargo originate from? Play Button nong zi la saa deefaang dzaang hoo gha? 侬是勒啥地方装货搿?
Play Button Where did you pick up your cargo? Play Button nong gha hoo saa zee la saa deefaang ney gha? 侬搿货色是勒啥地方拿搿?
Play Button What is your destination? Play Button nong yaw wing taw saa deefaang chee? 侬要运到啥地方去?
Play Button We will prevent actions that would aid the enemy. Play Button aa laa yaw chi du yi chi paang zoo ti ping gha ying dong 阿拉要切断一切帮助敌兵搿行动
Play Button We will inspect cargo when instructed to do so. Play Button chi taw dzi zi, aa la chyo wey chee chee zo hoo sa 接到指示阿拉就会去检查货色
Play Button We will stop locals from supplying the enemy. Play Button aa laa yaw chi du taang dee ning shyaang ti ping tee kong vaa dzi 阿拉要切断当地人向敌兵提供物资
Play Button We are here to stop black market operations. Play Button aa laa zi ley ting dzi haa zi waa dong gha 阿拉是来停止黑市活动搿
Play Button We will establish an area for searching vehicles. Play Button aa laa yaw sa leh yi ga so tso chyu 阿拉要设立一个搜车区
Play Button We have vehicles ready to pursue those avoiding the RBs. Play Button aa laa yee ching ney tsuodzi dzeng bey haw la, chee dzeh ee tee taw taa gha tsuodzi 阿拉已经拿车子准备好了,去追伊点逃忑搿车子
Play Button We must prepare defensive positions. Play Button aa laa yaw dzu haw vaang yu dzeng bey 阿拉要作好防御准备
Play Button We will block roadway shoulders and ditches around RBs. Play Button aa laa yaw ney loo chee kaw loodzaang paang pee gha ko aa yaw fong ta 阿拉要拿路肩交路障旁边搿沟也要封忑
Play Button Show me your vehicle's ID papers. Play Button nong tsuodzi gha dzeng jee nyaang nguo ku ku 侬车子搿证件让我看看
Play Button Show me your papers for the cargo. Play Button nong dzaang hoo wa tey dzi nyaang nguo ku ku 侬装货搿单子让我看看
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