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Play Button We must identify places where we can receive emergency help. Play Button aa la yi ding yaw chyo nying la saa deefaang kooyee ta taw ching chi nyu zu 阿拉一定要 确认勒啥地方可以得到紧急援助
Play Button Our task is to control route security measures. Play Button aa laa gha sen woo siz tsey chyu kong dzi loo shee u chu gha so du 阿拉搿任务是采取控制路线安全搿手段
Play Button We'll classify bridges according to weight limits. Play Button aa laa wey ta keng ju chyaw gha dzey zong lyaang ley chyu feng ka dzong chyaw lyaang 阿拉会得根据桥搿载重量来区分各种桥梁
Play Button We need areas suitable for short halts. Play Button aa laa shyu yaw yo gha deefaang saw wey ting yeh ding 阿拉需要有个地方稍微停一停
Play Button Where does this road lead to? Play Button ka dyaw loo tong taw saa deefaang chee? 搿条路通到啥地方去?
Play Button Which towns does this road run through? Play Button ka dyaw loo tsu koo aa lee gha seng zi? 搿条路穿过啊里个城市?
Play Button Is the road paved or unpaved? Play Button ka dyaw loo poo haw laa vaa? 搿条路铺好了伐?
Play Button Is there an alternate route? Play Button yo vaa yo pey gha loo shee kooyee dzaw? 有勿有别搿路线可以走?
Play Button Is there a way to bypass this obstacle? Play Button yo saagha pey fa kooyee tong ku kagha loodzaang? 有啥搿办法可以通 过葛搿路障?
Play Button Are there bridges on this route? Play Button ka dyaw loo laang yo chyaw vaa? 搿条路浪有桥伐?
Play Button Are there overpasses on this route? Play Button ka dyaw loo yo kaw kaa chyaw vaa? 搿条路有高架桥伐?
Play Button Is there construction on this route? Play Button ka dyaw loo shee yo saa deefaang laa shyo vaa? 搿条路线有啥 地方勒修伐?
Play Button Are there many potholes in this road? Play Button ka dyaw loo o daa vaa ping vaa? 搿条路凹凸勿平伐?
Play Button How wide is the road? Play Button ka dyaw loo yo too saw ku? 搿条路有多少宽?
Play Button Are there steep hills on this road? Play Button ka dyaw loo yo shyaa poo vaa? 搿条路有斜 坡伐?
Play Button Are there sharp curves on this road? Play Button ka dyaw loo yo chi dzu wey vaa? 搿条路有急转弯伐?
Play Button Does this route lead through tunnels? Play Button ka dyaw loo shee yaw tong koo tee wo tong daw vaa? 搿条路线要通过地下通道伐?
Play Button Do you know how to read a map? Play Button nong wey ta ku tee doo vaa? 侬会得看地图伐?
Play Button Are there enemy units in this area? Play Button kagha tee chyu yo tay ping poo dey vaa? 葛搿地区有敌兵部队伐?
Play Button Are there friendly units in this area? Play Button kagha tee chyu yo yo chwing poo dey vaa? 葛搿地区有友军部队伐?
Play Button Are there wooded areas nearby? Play Button woo ching yo seng ling vaa? 附近有森林伐?
Play Button Are there rivers near this route? Play Button ka dyaw loo shee woo ching yo woo paang vaa? 搿条路线附近有河浜伐?
Play Button How many miles? Play Button chee ying lee? 几英里?
Play Button How many kilometers? Play Button chee kong lee? 几公里?
Play Button Are there major highways on this route? Play Button ka dyaw loo shee yo kaw saw kong loo vaa? 搿条路线有高速公路伐?
Play Button Are any major roads on this route? Play Button ka dyaw loo shee yo dzi yaw mo loo vaa? 搿条路线有主要马路伐?
Play Button Is there a railway near this road? Play Button ka dyaw loo wu jing yo ti loo vaa? 搿条路附近有铁路伐?
Play Button Are the railway tracks in use? Play Button ka tee tyi kwey hey laa yong vaa? 搿点铁轨还勒用伐?
Play Button Is there a railway crossing? Play Button saa deefaang yo tyi loo chyaw tso ko aa? 啥地方有铁路交岔口啊?
Play Button Are there any busy intersections on this route? Play Button ka dyaw loo shee yo aa lee chee dza loo ko mey maang gha? 搿条路线有啊里几只路口蛮忙搿?
Play Button Does this route experience heavy traffic? Play Button ka dyaw loo shee siz vaa zi mey too gha? 搿条路线是勿是蛮堵搿?
Play Button Does this road have curbs? Play Button ka dyaw loo yo saang kaa yee vaa? 搿条路有上街沿伐?
Play Button Are there sidewalks lining the road? Play Button ka dyaw loo yo saang kaa yee vaa? 搿条路有上街沿伐?
Play Button Is there pedestrian traffic on the road? Play Button ka dyaw loo dzo loo wa ning too vaa? 搿条路走路搿人多伐?
Play Button Are there any minefields near this route? Play Button ka dyaw loo shee woo jing yo tee ley chyu vaa? 搿条路线附近有地雷区伐?
Play Button Are there any landmarks near this route? Play Button ka dyaw loo shee yo saagha jee dzo pyaw dzi? 搿条路线有啥搿建筑标志?
Play Button How much weight can the bridge carry? Play Button ka chyaw yo too saw dzey zong lyaang? 搿桥有多少载重量?
Play Button What material is the bridge made of? Play Button ka zoo chyaw zi yong saagha sey liyaw saw gha? 搿座桥是用啥搿材料造搿?
Play Button How wide is the tunnel? Play Button ka dyaw su taw yo too saw ku? 搿条隧道有多少宽?
Play Button How high is the tunnel? Play Button ka tee hwo tong daw yo too saw ko? 搿地下通道有多少高?
Play Button How long is the tunnel? Play Button ka tee hwo tong daw yo too saw saang? 搿地下通道有多少长?
Play Button Is there a checkpoint on this road? Play Button ka dyaw loo laang yo chee zoo zey vaa? 搿条路浪有检查站伐?
Play Button Is there a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles) on this road? Play Button ka dyaw loo siz va zi yo law haa gha loo du poo dey chyaw chwing tso tong va koo aa? 搿条路是物是有老窄搿路段部队交军车通勿过啊?
Play Button Is a defile being planned on the road? Play Button ka dyaw loo yo va yo chee waa sa za haa za loo du? 搿条路 有勿 有计划设置狭窄路段?
Play Button Is the road blocked? Play Button ka dyaw loo siz va zi fong ta laa? 搿条路是勿 是封忑了?
Play Button Is the road flooded? Play Button ka dyaw loo siz va zi pa si maa ta laa? 搿条路是勿是拨水没忑了?
Play Button Is the road clear? Play Button ka dyaw loo tsaang tong la vaa? 搿条路畅通了伐?
Play Button What is blocking the road? Play Button ka dyaw loo yo saagha loo wey? 搿条路有啥搿路碍?
Play Button Does this road get flooded often? Play Button ka dyaw loo ching zaang dzaang tu si vaa? 搿条路经常涨大水伐?
Play Button Are there checkpoints on the road? Play Button ka dyaw loo yo chee zoo dzey vaa? 搿条路有检查站伐?
Play Button Does the road get narrow? Play Button loo haa chee ley la? 路窄起来了?
Play Button Are there overhead obstructions on this route? Play Button ka dyaw loo shee taw ting laang yo dzaang ngey vaa? 搿条路线头顶浪有障碍伐?
Play Button What is the lowest overhead clearance on this route? Play Button ka dyaw loo shee taw ting laang ching kong yo too saw kaw? 搿条路线头顶浪净孔有多少高?
Play Button Can you cross the river at this location? Play Button nong kooyee song kataa koo wupaang vaa? 侬可以从搿笪过河浜伐?
Play Button How wide is the river at this crossing point? Play Button ka dyaw wupaang aa too kaw yo too saw ku? 搿条河浜搿渡口有多少宽?
Play Button Can the crossing be used by vehicles? Play Button kagha too ko tsuodzi kooyee paa too vaa? 葛搿渡口车子可以摆渡伐?
Play Button Is this a fast-moving stream? Play Button ka si su chey vaa? 搿水算激伐?
Play Button How fast is the water in this river? Play Button ka woo paang gha siz liyu yo too saw kwaa? 搿河浜搿水流有多少快?
Play Button How deep is this waterway? Play Button kataa si yo too saw seng? 搿笪水有多少深?
Play Button Can the stream be crossed during this time of year? Play Button yee zey kagha chee cheh, kaa dyaw shyaw woo paang kooyee koo vaa? 现在葛搿季节,搿条小河浜可以过伐?
Play Button Does this river flood suddenly during this time of year? Play Button yee zey kagha chee cheh, kaa dyaw woo paang wey va wey ta zu faa too siz aa? 现在葛搿季节,搿条河浜会勿会突然发大水啊?
Play Button Are there a lot of large rocks in the riverbed? Play Button ka woo paang hwo do siz va zi yo chyaw kwey too zaa do aa? 搿河浜下头是勿是有交关大石头啊?
Play Button Are the riverbanks very steep? Play Button woo paang liya paang pee siz va zi law to aa? 河浜两旁边是勿是老陡啊?
Play Button Are there barriers on the riverbank? Play Button ngoo paang pee yo ley ku vaa? 岸旁边有栏杆伐?
Play Button Has the roadway eroded? Play Button loo zi va zi yo tee tsong ta aa? 路是勿是有点冲忑啊?
Play Button Is there any snow on this route? Play Button ka dyaw shee loo kaw do wey ta yo shi vaa? 搿条线路高头会得有雪吗?
Play Button Is this route covered with ice? Play Button ka dyaw shee loo kaw do wey va wey chi ping? 搿条线路高头会勿会结冰?
Play Button Clear the road. Play Button ka dyaw loo yaw ching lee haw 搿条路要清理好
Play Button Mark critical points on the map. Play Button ney kwey jee gha deefaang laa tee doo kaw do pyaw tsa ley 拿关键搿地方勒地图高头标出来
Play Button Show me on the map. Play Button tee doo paa nguo ku ku 地图拨我看看
Play Button Show me which direction the vehicles came from. Play Button kaang paa ngo ting, kaa tee tsuodzi zi song saa deefaang ley gha? 讲拨我听,搿点车子是从啥地方来搿
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