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Play Button We will process enemy prisoners of war (EPWs). Play Button aa laa yaw tsi lee tey ping nga dzu voo 阿拉要处理敌兵搿战俘
Play Button MPs will repatriate EPWs and CIs (civilians internees) later. Play Button chwing ching yaw ney dzu woo kaw chu liyu gha ping ming chee song wey ko 军警要拿战俘交拘留搿平民遣送回国
Play Button We will handle all EPWs and CIs according to the provisions of the Geneva Convention. Play Button aa laa wey ta keng chu sa ney waa dyaw yi tsi lee dzu voo kaw chu liyu gha ping ming 阿拉会得根据日内瓦条约处理战俘交拘留搿平民
Play Button First aid will be provided for all wounded. Play Button soo yo so saang gha ning sey wey ta taw chi chiyu 所有受伤搿人侪会得到急救
Play Button We will protect all EPWs and CIs against ill treatment. Play Button aa la wey ta paw woo dzu voo kaw chu liyu gha ping ming, si yee laa va wey so taw nyeh dey 阿拉会得保护战俘交拘留搿平民,使伊拉勿会受到虐待
Play Button All EPWs and CIs will be searched and tagged. Play Button soo yu gha dzu voo kaw chju liyu gha ping ming yaw shee pa aa la so zo, dzey dzu pyaw chee 所有搿战俘交拘留搿平民要先拨阿拉搜查,再做标记
Play Button We will safeguard your money and valuables. Play Button aa la wey ta paw koo haw naa gha tsaw pyaw kaw kwey zong maazi gha 阿拉会得保管好捺搿钞票交贵重物事搿
Play Button We will give you a receipt for your money and valuables. Play Button naa ko pa aa laa gha tsaw pyaw kaw kwey zong maazi, aa laa wey pa naa so chu gha 捺交拨阿拉搿钞票交贵重物事,阿拉会拨捺收据搿
Play Button Money and valuables will be returned to you. Play Button tsaw pyaw kaw kwey zong maa zi ee ho sey wey wey pa naa gha 炒票交贵重物事以后侪会还拨捺搿
Play Button We will lead you to an enclosed area. Play Button aa laa yaw ney naa taa taw yeh gha kwey chi ley gha deefaang 阿拉要拿捺带到一个关起来搿地方
Play Button You are allowed to dig foxholes. Play Button naa kooyee wa ee tee 捺可以挖掩体
Play Button You are allowed to dig holes in the ground to help shelter you. Play Button naa kooyee laa tee zaang waa ee tee 捺可以勒地上挖掩体
Play Button We have to question you. Play Button aa la yaw seng meng nong 阿拉要审问侬
Play Button Somebody will question you now. Play Button yee zey yo nying yaw meng nong veng dee 现在有人要问侬问题
Play Button You will be taken to another location. Play Button nong yaw pa aa laa taa taw ling nga yi gha deefaang chi 阿拉要拿侬带到另外一个地方去
Play Button You will be assigned an identification number (internment serial number). Play Button aa laa wey paa nong yi dza seng veng aw du (dzu voo haw du) 阿拉会拨侬一只身份号头(战俘号头)
Play Button Your information will be provided to a Prisoner of War Information Center. Play Button nong gha ching kwaang wey paw daw dzu voo ching paw dzong shing 侬搿情况会报道战俘情报中心
Play Button Do you need first aid? Play Button nong yaw chi chyoo vaa? 侬要急救伐?
Play Button Are you hurt? Play Button nong so saang la vaa? 侬受伤了伐?
Play Button Do you need food? Play Button nong yaw cha gha maazi vaa? 侬要吃搿物事伐?
Play Button Do you need water? Play Button nong shyu yaw siz vaa? 侬需要水伐?
Play Button Do you have any documents? Play Button nong yo saagha veng jee vaa? 侬有啥搿文件伐?
Play Button Do you have weapons? Play Button nong yo oo chee vaa? 侬有武器伐?
Play Button What is your name? Play Button nong chyaw saa ming zi? 侬叫啥名字?
Play Button What is your rank? Play Button nong gha chwin ngey zi saagha? 侬搿军衔是啥搿?
Play Button What is your unit? Play Button nong zi saagha poo dey gha? 侬是啥搿部队搿?
Play Button Do you have any information for us? Play Button nong yo saagha ching paw kooyee tee kong pa aa laa? 侬有啥搿 情报可以提供拨阿拉?
Play Button Where is your unit? Play Button naa poo dey laa saa deefaang? 捺部队勒啥地方?
Play Button Provide shelter to protect EPWs from the elements. Play Button aa laa wey shyaang song feng dey ley gha dzu voo tee kong siz gha deefaang 阿拉会向从分队来搿战俘提供住搿地方
Play Button All male EPWs will be moved to another location. Play Button soo yo gha nu dzu voo sey weh dzu yee taw ling nga yey gha deefaang chee 所有搿男战俘侪会转移到另外一个地方去
Play Button Do not speak to anybody. Play Button vaa yaw kaw seng woo nying kaang ey ho 勿要交任何人讲闲话
Play Button Stand still. Play Button ley laa hey vaa yaw tong 立勒海勿要动
Play Button Move here. Play Button taw kataa ley 到搿笪来
Play Button Stay within this area. Play Button teng laa kataa deefaang 蹲勒葛搿地方
Play Button Do not cross this boundary. Play Button vaa tsaw koo kagha chaa shee 勿超过葛搿界线
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