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Play Button We will receive the EPWs from the combat units. Play Button aa laa yaw song dzo dzu poo dey ee mee chi zo tey chwing dzu voo 阿拉要从作战部队伊面接受敌军战俘
Play Button We have to evacuate the EPWs from the battle zone. Play Button aa laa yaw ney tey chwing dzu voo song dzu chyu song tsa chee 阿拉要拿敌军战俘从战区送出去
Play Button We will deliver the EPWs to the proper authorities. Play Button aa laa yaw ney tey chwing dzu voo song pa yo kwey taang ju 阿拉要拿敌军战俘送拨有关当局
Play Button We are here to enforce the law. Play Button aa laa laa kataa dza fa 阿拉勒搿笪执法
Play Button We are here to assist the local law enforcement if needed. Play Button chyaa si shyu yaw gha ey hwo, aa laa chyo taw kataa ley sheh zoo taang tee gha dza fa poo meng 假使需要搿闲话,阿拉就到搿笪来协助当地搿执法部门
Play Button We will respond to any attack. Play Button soo yo gha shi chi, aa la sey wey ta paw kaw gha 所有搿袭击,阿拉侪会得报告搿
Play Button We are here to protect the loading zones. Play Button aa laa taw kataa ley paw woo dzaang shyaa chyu 阿拉到搿笪来保护装卸区
Play Button We are patrolling the road to detect and defeat threats. Play Button aa laa ley shing loo, ley chee zoo ey ley paa zi wey shee 阿拉来巡逻,来检查还来排除危险
Play Button We are mapping the terrain features. Play Button aa laa laa wo tee ying doo 阿拉勒画地形图
Play Button We will protect these pipelines. Play Button aa laa wey ta paw woo kaa tee kwo daw 阿拉会得保护搿点管道
Play Button We are providing security to this convoy. Play Button aa laa wey tsuo dey tee kong u ju paw dzeng 阿拉为车队提供安全保证
Play Button How far away is this town? Play Button kagha zeng zi yo too saw yu? 葛搿城市有多少远?
Play Button What is the name of this ridgeline? Play Button ka chyaw saagha sey aa? 搿叫啥搿山啊?
Play Button Where are the water pipes? Play Button siz ku laa saa deefaang? 水管勒啥地方?
Play Button Is there any nuclear, biological or chemical (NBC) contamination in the area? Play Button kagha tee chyu yo va yo haa seng ho woo zu? 葛搿地区有勿有核生化污染?
Play Button The storage area is off-limits. Play Button siz zaang chyu ching dzi sa ney 储藏区禁止入内
Play Button You must report any NBC contamination. Play Button su bee saagha haa seng hwo woo zu, nong sey pbi shu wey paw 随便啥搿核生化污染,侬侪必须汇报
Play Button These are secured areas. Play Button ka tee siz u ju chyu 搿点是安全区
Play Button This is a blocked area. Play Button kaa zi fong soo chyu 搿是封锁区
Play Button This area is off limits. Play Button kagha tee chyu ching dzi sa ney 葛搿地区禁止入内
Play Button The barriers will prevent any attacks. Play Button kaa tee ping dzaang kooyee vaang yu seng woo ching kong 搿点屏障可以防御任何进攻
Play Button Leave! This is a contaminated area. Play Button vaa yaw koo ley! kagha tee chyu yee ching woo zu laa 勿过来!葛搿地区已经污染了
Play Button Stay away from the railways. Play Button lee ti loo yu yeh ngey 离铁路远一眼
Play Button Stay away! This is a restricted zone. Play Button vaa yaw ku ley! kataa siz ching chyu 勿过来!搿笪是禁区
Play Button Don't move. Play Button vaa dong 勿动
Play Button Move fast! Play Button dzo kwaa tee! 走快点!
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