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Play Button What is the caliber and type of the weapon? Play Button eeneh eeneen kalebree dook dagboos see eeyeh seenapang? Ine inin kalebre duk dagbus si iye sinapang?
Play Button Is this a direct fire weapon like a rifle or bazooka? Play Button eeneen beh bentel teeteembakan kweh seenapang atawa basooka? Inin be bentel titimbakan kwe’ sinapang atawa basuka?
Play Button Is this an indirect fire weapon like a mortar or cannon? Play Button eeneen beh ga ee bentel teeteembakan kweh mortal atawa kanyoon? Inin be ga’e bentel titimbakan kwe’ mortal atawa kanyun?
Play Button Was the weapon mounted on a tripod? Play Button bakas beh teeteembakan eeneen seenangkah see toongkooh? Bakas be titimbakan inin sinangka’ si tungku’?
Play Button How many personnel operated this specific weapon? Play Button peeyeh mengeh keh aahan megpeh oobas see eeneen toonjook teeteembakan? Piye menge ke-a’ahan meg-peubas si inin tunjuk titimbakan?
Play Button Where and when did you see this weapon? Play Button eeng geh dook soomeeyan teketeh noo eeneen teeteembakan? Ingge duk sumiyan tekete nu inin titimbakan?
Play Button What was the approximate size of the projectile? Play Button eeneh bakas eeyeh koolang labee sookooran see eeyeh baleena? Ine bakas iye kulang labi sukuran si iye balina?
Play Button Has the weapon been modified in any way? Play Button bakas beh seenapang eeneen tepeenda see keh enehan? Bakas be sinapang inin tepinda si ke-enehan?
Play Button How effective was the crew operating the weapon? (accuracy in training) Play Button koo eeng geh ketoolen bakas eeyeh keh aahan megpeh oobas eeyeh teeteembakan? (kebentelan see peg peh anaran) Kuingge ketulin bakas iye ke-a’ahan meg-peubas iye titimbakan? (kebentelan si peg-pe-anaran)
Play Button Was the crew accurate? Play Button bakas beh eeyeh keh aahan mekehatee teh ed? Bakas be iye ke-a’ahan mekehati teed?
Play Button How was the crew trained? Play Button koo eeng geh bakas eeyeh keh aahan pena anad? Kuingge bakas iye ke-a’ahan pena-anad?
Play Button What identifying marks were on the weapon? Play Button eeneh pemaayaman marka neeyah see eeyeh teeteembakan? Ine pemayaman marka niya’ si iye titimbakan?
Play Button How fast did this weapon fire? How many rounds (bullets) per minute? Play Button koo eeng geh kelek kas see eeneen teeteembakan neembak? kooh peeyeh mengeh poonglooh see deemboowah meenootoo? Kuingge kelekkas si inin titimbakan nimbak? Ku’ piye menge punglu’ si dimbuwa’ minutu?
Play Button Did the crew perform barrel changes? Play Button eeneen eeyeh keh aahan beh mekeheenang bareeles pegpeenda? Inin iye ke-a-a’hen be mekehinang bareles pegpinda?
Play Button Did the gun crew have a radio or binoculars? Play Button eeneen eeyeh seenapang keh aahan neeyah raadeeyoo atawa teloompoong? Inin iye sinapang ke-a-a’hen niya radiyu atawa telumpung?
Play Button What else can you tell me about this weapon system? Play Button eeneh peh keh akahan noo see akoo sababan see eeneen teeteembakan atooran? Ine pe ke-akahan nu si aku sababan si inin titimbakan aturan?
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