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Play Button The name of the village Play Button got jo naalo ڳوٺ جو نالو
Play Button The location of the village Play Button got keRey jaay tey waakey aahey ڳوٺ ڪهڙي جاءِ تي واقع آهي
Play Button Is there road access for cars? Play Button ootey wanyarn laay kaaR jo Rasto aahey? اتي وڃڻ لاءِ ڪار جو رستو آهي؟
Play Button Is there a road access for four-wheel drive? Play Button ootey wanan laay chaaR peetan waaRee gaadee jo Rasto aahey? اتي وڃڻ لاءِ چار ڦيٿن واري گاڏي جو رستو آهي؟
Play Button Is there a road access for trucks? Play Button ootey wanarn laay tRaka jo Rasto aahey? اتي وڃڻ لاءِ ٽرڪ جو رستو آهي؟
Play Button Is the road accessible in the winter? Play Button seeyaaRey mey iho Rod isteymaal laayk hoondo aahey? سياري ۾ اهو روڊ استعمال لائق هوندو آهي؟
Play Button What is the number of the current population? Play Button mojoodaa aabaadee jo ang kitRo aahey? موجوده آبادي جو انگ ڪيترو آهي؟
Play Button How many children are there? Play Button kitRaa baaR aahin? ڪيترا ٻار آهن؟
Play Button How many men are there? Play Button kitRaa maRd aahin? ڪيترا مرد آهن؟
Play Button How many women are there? Play Button ketRiyoo oRtoo aahin? ڪيتريون عورتون آهن؟
Play Button How many locals are there? Play Button makaamee marnoo kitRaa aahin? مقامي ماڻهو ڪيترا آهن؟
Play Button How many refugees are there? Play Button kitRaa pan-haageeR aahin? ڪيترا پناهگير آهن؟
Play Button How many returnees are there? Play Button kitRaa vaapas teyl aahin? ڪيترا واپس ٿيل آهن؟
Play Button Who is the community leader? Play Button bRaadRee jo agwarn keyR aahey? برادريءِ جو اڳواڻ ڪير آهي؟
Play Button Who is responsible for food distribution? Play Button kaadey jey vRaasata jo zimeyvaaR keyR aahey? کاڌي جي ورهاست جو ذميوار ڪير آهي؟
Play Button Where is the local warehouse? Play Button makaamee godaam kitey aahey? مقامي گدام ڪٿي آهي؟
Play Button Is there a storage facility? Play Button hitey zaKheeRey kaRarn jee sahoolat aahey? هتي ذخيري ڪرڻ جي سهولت آهي؟
Play Button Is this village used for secondary distribution? Play Button hee gota beyn gotan key vRaasata laay isteymaal keyo veendo aahey? هي ڳوٺ ٻين ڳوٺن کي ورهاست لاءِ استعمال ڪيو ويندو آهي؟
Play Button Which villages receive assistance from this village? Play Button kitRaa gota hina gota maa madada haasil kandaa aahin? ڪهڙا ڳوٺ هن ڳوٺ مان مدد حاصل ڪندا آهن؟
Play Button How many damaged houses in this village? Play Button hina gota mey kitRaa nuksaan potal gaR aahin? هن ڳوٺ ۾ ڪيترا نقصان پهتل گهر آهن؟
Play Button How many unfinished houses in this village? Play Button hina gota mey kitRaa urna mukamil gaR aahin? هن ڳوٺ ۾ ڪيترا اڻ مڪمل گهر آهن؟
Play Button Was there any new war damage to buildings since before the conflict? Play Button jeyRey kaa peRee chaa key ney janga mey amaaRatan key nuksaan potal ho? جهيڙي کان پهرين ڇا ڪنهن نئين جنگ ۾ عمارتن کي نقصان پهتل هو؟
Play Button Is there a school in the village? Play Button gota mey ko iskool aahey? ڳوٺ ۾ ڪو اسڪول آهي؟
Play Button Is there a mosque / church in the village? Play Button gota mey kaa masjid / kaleesaa aahey? ڳوٺ ۾ ڪا مسجد / ڪليسا آهي؟
Play Button Is there a bakery? Play Button kaa beykRee aahey? ڪا بيڪري آهي؟
Play Button Is there a health facility? Play Button kaa sehet jee sahoolat? ڪا صحت جي سهولت؟
Play Button Is there any source of food available in the village? Play Button gota mey kaadey jo ko zaReeyo aahey? ڳوٺ ۾ کاڌي جو ڪو ذريعو آهي؟
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