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Play Button What is your given name? Play Button sizning ismingiz nima? Sizning ismingiz nima?
Play Button What is your family name? Play Button sizning familiyangiz nima? Sizning familiyangiz nima?
Play Button What is your nationality? Play Button milatingiz nima? Millatingiz nima?
Play Button What country were you born in? Play Button Qaysi mamlakatda tughilgansiz? Qaysi mamlakatda tug'ilgansiz?
Play Button How old are you? Play Button yoshingiz nechada? Yoshingiz nechada?
Play Button Do you have an identity card? Play Button guvoHnomangiz borma? Guvohnomangiz bormi?
Play Button Show me your identification. Play Button guvoHnomangizni menga kohrsating Guvohnomangizni menga ko'rsating
Play Button How many people live in this area? Play Button bu atrofda Qancha odam yashaydi? Bu atrofda qancha odam yashaydi?
Play Button Who is the leader of this community? Play Button bu maHalaning boshlighi kim? Bu mahallaning boshlig'I kim?
Play Button What is his name? Play Button uning ismi nima? Uning ismi nima?
Play Button Please write down his name. Play Button iltimos, uning ismini yozing Iltimos, uning ismini yozing
Play Button Show us the leader. Play Button bizga boshliQni kohrsating Bizga boshliqni ko'rsating
Play Button How many men and women live in this community? Play Button bu maHalada nechta ayol va nechta erkak yashaydi? Bu mahallada nechta ayol va nechta erkak yashaydi?
Play Button How many children live here? Play Button bu yerda nechta bola yashaydi? Bu yerda nechta bola yashaydi?
Play Button Are there schools here for the children? Play Button bolalar uchun maktablar borma? Bolalar uchun maktablar bormi?
Play Button Is there enough potable water for the people? Play Button Hama uchun ichimlik suvi yetarlima? Hamma uchun ichimlik suvi yetarlimi?
Play Button Is there a water well? Play Button bu yerda QuduQ borma? Bu yerda quduq bormi?
Play Button Is there a public fountain? Play Button bu yerda favora borma? Bu yerda favvora bormi?
Play Button Are there any medics here? Play Button bu yerda shifokorlar borma? Bu yerda shifokorlar bormi?
Play Button Are there any engineers? Play Button bu yerda muHandislar borma? Bu yerda muhandislar bormi?
Play Button Are there any teachers? Play Button bu yerda ohQituvchilar borma? Bu yerda o'qituvchilar bormi?
Play Button Are there empty buildings here? Play Button bu yerda bohsh binolar borma? Bu yerda bo'sh binolar bormi?
Play Button Is there a local police force? Play Button bu yerda maHaly militsiya borma? Bu yerda mahalliy militsiya bormi?
Play Button Who is responsible for public safety here? Play Button bu yerda jamoa Khafsizligiga kim javobgar? Bu yerda jamoa xavfsizligiga kim javobgar?
Play Button Whose responsibility is fire protection? Play Button yonghindan Himoya Qilishga kim javobgar? Yong'indan himoya qilishga kim javobgar?
Play Button Do you have fire fighting equipment? Play Button oht ohchiruvchi uskunalaringiz borma? O't o'chiruvchi uskunalaringiz bormi?
Play Button Do you have a fire engine? Play Button oht ohchiruvchi mashinangiz borma? O't o'chiruvchi mashinangiz bormi?
Play Button Who do you call in case of an accident? Play Button biror Halokat yuz bersa kimga QohnghiroQ Qilasiz? Biror halokat yuz bersa kimga qo'ng'iroq qilasiz?
Play Button Are there operational emergency vehicles here? Play Button tez yordam kohrsatuvchi mashinalari borma? Tez yordam ko'rsatuvchi mashinalari bormi?
Play Button How many telephones do you have in the area? Play Button bu atrofda nechta telefon bor? Bu atrofda nechta telefon bor?
Play Button How many homes have telephones here? Play Button bu yerda nechta Khonadonda telefon bor? Bu yerda nechta xonadonda telefon bor?
Play Button Is there a functioning police station? Play Button bu yerda militsiya Khizmati bohlimi borma? Bu yerda militsiya xizmati bo'limi bormi?
Play Button How many personnel are still on the job? Play Button Qancha odam Hozirgacha ishlab kelayapti? Qancha odam hozirgacha ishlab kelayapti?
Play Button What's the means of communication? Play Button Qanday aloQa vositasi bor? Qanday aloqa vositasi bor?
Play Button Can the police station function normally without U.S. assistance? Play Button militsiya idorasi aQsh yordamisiz odatdagidek Khizmat kohrsata oladima? Militsiya idorasi AQSH yordamisiz odatdagidek xizmat ko'rsata oladimi?
Play Button Can U.S. forces depend on the local police to perform their duties as needed? Play Button agar kerak bohlsa, aQsh Qohshinlari ohz Khizmatlarini bajarishda maHaly militsiyaga tayansa bohladima? Agar kerak bo'lsa, AQSH qo'shinlari o'z xizmatlarini bajarishda mahalliy militsiyaga tayansa bo'ladimi?
Play Button How many vehicles are available? Play Button nechta mashina tayor? Nechta mashina tayyor?
Play Button What is the telephone number? Play Button telefon raQami Qanday? Telefon raqami qanday?
Play Button Do you use radio communications? Play Button radio aloQadan foydalanasizma? Radio aloqadan foydalanasizmi?
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