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Play Button Who is in charge of repairing roads? Play Button yohlni tuzatish kimning zimasida? Yo'lni tuzatish kimning zimmasida?
Play Button Do you have a map of this area? Play Button sizda bu yerning Kharitasi borma? Sizda bu yerning xaritasi bormi?
Play Button We will provide assistance in building roads at this location. Play Button biz bu yerda yohlar Qurilishida yordam beramiz Biz bu yerda yo'llar qurilishida yordam beramiz
Play Button Can you provide a road map of this area? Play Button bizga bu yerning yohl Kharitasini kohrsata olasizma? Bizga bu yerning yo'l xaritasini ko'rsata olasizmi?
Play Button Do you have any machinery for road building? Play Button yohl Qurish uchun mashinalaringiz borma? Yo'l qurish uchun mashinalaringiz bormi?
Play Button Do you have any machinery for road repairs? Play Button yohl tuzatish uchun mashinalaringiz borma? Yo'l tuzatish uchun mashinalaringiz bormi?
Play Button We have to set up storage locations for supply materials in the area. Play Button biz materialarni saQlash uchun shu atrofda joy tayorlashimiz kerak Biz materiallarni saqlash uchun shu atrofda joy tayyorlashimiz kerak
Play Button Are there any railroad tracks in this area? Play Button yaQin orada poyizd yohlari borma? Yaqin orada poezd yo'llari bormi?
Play Button Do you have transportation facilities in this area? Play Button shu atrofda avta park borma? Shu atrofda avto park bormi?
Play Button Are there any airports nearby? Play Button yaQin atrofda tayoragoHlar borma? Yaqin atrofda tayyoragohlar bormi?
Play Button Are there any landing fields for smaller aircraft nearby? Play Button yaQin atrofda kichik uchoQ Qohna oladigan dala borma? Yaqin atrofda kichik uchoq qo'na oladigan dala bormi?
Play Button Are there any pipelines in the area? Play Button yaQin atrofda Quvurlar borma? Yaqin atrofda quvurlar bormi?
Play Button Is the pipeline fenced off in this area? Play Button Quvurlarning atrofi devor bilan tohsilganma? Quvurlarning atrofi devor bilan to'silganmi?
Play Button Is the traffic heavy in this area? Play Button bu atrofda transport Harakati gavjuma? Bu atrofda transport harakati gavjummi?
Play Button Are there bus lines or trains to travel to other places? Play Button bu yerda boshQa yolarga borish uchun avtobus yoki poyizd yohlari borma? Bu yerda boshqa joylarga borish uchun avtobus yoki poezd yo'llari bormi?
Play Button Are there taxis? Play Button taksilar borma? Takcilar bormi?
Play Button Do these roads get snowed in during the winter? Play Button Qishda bu yohlar Qor bilan Qoplanadima? Qishda bu yo'llar qor bilan qoplanadimi?
Play Button How many people own motor vehicles in this area? Play Button bu yerda nechta odam ohz avtamashinasiga ega? Bu yerda nechta odam o'z avtomashinasiga ega?
Play Button Are there trucking companies nearby? Play Button yaQin atrofda yuk tashuvchi mashina shirkatlari borma? Yaqin atrofda yuk tashuvchi mashina shirkatlari bormi?
Play Button Do you have radio contact with people in other places? Play Button siz boshQa yolardagi odamlar bilan radio orQalik aloQa Qilasizma? Siz boshqa joylardagi odamlar bilan radio orqalik aloqa qilasizmi?
Play Button Can you use these roads during the winter? Play Button bu yohlardan Qishda foydalansa bohladima? Bu yo'llardan qishda foydalansa bo'ladimi?
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