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Play Button You are badly hurt. Play Button nong sou laa song sang 侬受了重伤
Play Button You are very sick. Play Button nong maw bing meh song nga 侬毛病蛮重搿
Play Button We need to take you to surgery. Play Button aa laa yaw song nong chee tong so za 阿拉要送侬去动手术
Play Button We need to remove this. Play Button aa le yaw ney ke gha ney ta yee 阿拉要拿葛搿拿忒伊
Play Button We need to repair this. Play Button ka gha mazi, aa le yaw shyu yi shyu 葛搿物事,阿拉要修一修
Play Button If we do not operate, you may die. Play Button chaa si kang aa la va kao nong tong sou za, nong koo neng jyu yaw ma ming la 假使讲阿拉勿交侬动手术,侬可能就要呒没命了
Play Button If we do not operate, you may lose this. Play Button chaa si kang aa la va kaw nong tong sou za, ka gha mazi nong koo neng jyu mm ma la 假使讲阿拉勿交侬动手术,葛搿物事侬可能就呒没了
Play Button The operation is dangerous, but it is the only way to help you. Play Button tong su za yu weshee, begoo dziyou sooza kooyee jyu nong la 动手术有危险 ,不过只有手术可以救侬了
Play Button Do you understand that you need this surgery? Play Button nong shyaw te vaa, nong shyu yaw dsu ke gha sooza? 侬晓得伐侬需要做葛搿手术?
Play Button We will operate very carefully. Play Button nong ka gha sooza, aa la wey law tang shin ka nong tswa 侬葛搿手术,阿拉会老当心交侬做搿
Play Button We want your permission before we operate on you. Play Button tong sooza sheedu, aa la yaw ta taw nong nga tongyee 动手术前头,阿拉要得到侬搿同意
Play Button May we operate on you? Play Button aa le kooyi kaw nong tong sooza la vaa? 阿拉可以交侬动手术了伐?
Play Button We will begin the operation as soon as we can. Play Button aa la wey da jing liang zaw ti kesi gaw nong dong sooza gha 阿拉会得尽量早点开始交侬动手术搿
Play Button This medicine will make you sleep. Play Button ka dzong yaa wey niyang nong kun kao gha 葛种药会让侬困觉搿
Play Button Have you had any surgeries? Play Button nong dzu koo sooza vaa? 侬做过手术伐?
Play Button Do you have any allergies, especially to medications? Play Button nong you koo saa gha koo min? you ya vaa ku min vaa? 侬有过啥搿过敏?有药物过敏伐?
Play Button Do you have high blood pressure / diabetes or blood sugar control problems? Play Button nong yoo shue kaa / tang nyaw bing huwo dzeh kong dzu shu dang nga wen dee vaa? 侬有高血压/糖尿病或控制血糖搿问题伐?
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