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Play Button I am not an official spokesperson. Play Button nguo va zi kuoe fang fa yee ning 我勿是官方发言人
Play Button Please wait for the public affairs representative. Play Button ching teng teng kong gong zi wu tay piao 请等等公共事务代表
Play Button I can only tell you what I know. Play Button nguo dzi kuyee kang pa nong ting nguo su shiao ta gha ching kuang 我只可以讲拨侬听我所晓得搿情况
Play Button The situation is under control. Play Button chu si yi ching kong dzi le 局势已经控制了
Play Button We are doing everything we can to restore order. Play Button aa la chin ey chi li liang huay fu ze jyu 阿拉尽一切力量恢复秩序
Play Button We are doing everything we can to protect lives. Play Button aa la chin ey chi li liang lay pao vu seng ming 阿拉尽一切力量来保护生命
Play Button We are doing everything we can to save lives. Play Button aa la chin ey chi li liang lay chiang chiu seng ming 阿拉尽一切力量来抢救生命
Play Button There was an incident. Play Button tse la tee zi ti 出了点事体
Play Button The incident is under investigation. Play Button ka dzang siz ku dzeng la diao zuoe 葛桩事故正勒调查
Play Button We are taking this matter very seriously. Play Button aa la lao song si ka dzang zi ti gha 阿拉老重视葛桩事体搿
Play Button People have been injured. Play Button yiou ning zou sang la 有人受伤了
Play Button Civilians have been injured. Play Button yiou lao pa shin zou sang la 有老百姓受伤了
Play Button Police have been injured. Play Button yiou ching tse zou sang la 有警察受伤了
Play Button Service members have been injured. Play Button yiou kong dzuo zen yuoe zou sang le 有工作人员受伤了
Play Button Service members have been killed. Play Button yiou kong dzuo zen yuoe shi ta la 有 工作人员死忒了
Play Button People have been killed. Play Button yiou ning shi ta la 有人死忒了
Play Button Civilians have been killed. Play Button yiou lao pa shin shi ta la 有老百姓死忒了
Play Button Names cannot be released until victims' relatives are notified. Play Button la tong dzi sou hay dzay chia zu ee shee, aa la va kuyee tou lu sou hay dza gha ming zi 勒通知受害者家属以前,阿拉勿可以透露受害者搿名字
Play Button The official spokesman is expected here soon. Play Button kuoe fang fa yee ning muo zang chiu yiao lay la 官方发言人马上就要来了
Play Button Appropriate action will be taken. Play Button way ta tsay chyu sa tang gha tsu si 会得采取适当搿措施
Play Button We take every report of wrongdoing very seriously. Play Button aa la tay may gha tsuo ngu shing way gha pao kao say lao song zi gha 阿拉对每个错误行为搿报告侪老重视搿
Play Button We have secured the area where the incident occurred. Play Button aa la yee ching nay tse zi ti gha deefang ching chia chi lay la 阿拉已经拿出事体搿地方警戒起来了
Play Button I am sorry but you have to wait for the report. Play Button tay va chi, va ku nong yiao teng pao kao 对勿起,不过侬要等报告
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