We must spend the night here. |
do do nee kee a sU see bee |
Dandan ni kí a sùn síbí |
Is there a dining facility here? |
shay ee bee tee wo tee shay on jeh wa nee bee? |
Ṣé ibi tí nwọ́n ti n'ṣe oúnje wà níbí? |
How many kilometers to the nearest town? |
ma yelee mey lo nee see ee lo to soo mo? |
Máìlì mélòó ni sí ìlú to súnmọ́? |
Are there any hotels near here? |
shay ee lay ee dayra ko ko wa nee to see? |
Ṣé ilé ìdẹ̀ra kankan wà nítòsí? |
Are there any restaurants near here? |
shay ee lay on jeh ko ko wa nee to see? |
Ṣé ilé oúnje kankan wà nítòsí? |