What is the maximum weight the parking ramp can withstand? |
wat iz Za maakseemam weyt Za parking ramp kan weethstaand? |
ዋት፡ኢዝ፡ዘ፡ማክሲመም፡ዌይት፡ዘፓርኪንግ፡ካን፡ዊዝስታንድ? |
What is the total length of the runway? |
wat uz Za totaal length av Za raanwey? |
ዋት፡ኢዝ፡ዘ፡ቶታል፡ ሌንግዝ፡ኦፍ፡ዘ፡ራንዌ? |
What is the width of the runway? |
wat iz Za width av Za raanwey? |
ዋት፡ኢዝ፡ዘ፡ዊድዝ፡ኦፍ፡ራንዌ? |
What is the maximum weight the runway can stand? |
wat iz Za maakseemam weyt Za raanwey kan staand? |
ዋት፡ኢዝ፡ዘ፡ማክሲመም፡ ራን፡ዌ፡ካን፡ስታንድ? |
What are the operational hours of your tower? |
wat aar Zee aapereyshenal awirz av yor taaweer? |
ዋት፡አር፡ዘ፡ኦፐሬሽና ል፡አወርስ፡ኦፍ፡ዮር፡ታወር? |