Has there been any infectious disease in the area lately? |
bakaawa byoo yetarawafee beshetaa noro yak-al? |
ባካባቢው፡የተላላፊ፡በሽታ፡ኖሮ፡ያቃል? |
Is there a pharmacy? |
mad-haaneet beyt aala? |
መድሃኒት፡ቤት፡አለ? |
Is there a building where we could set up a medical facility? |
hikemenaa lemaadreg maaqwaaqwum yeminechilibat beyt aala? |
ህክማና፡ለማድረግ፡ማቁዋቁም፡የምንችልበት፡ቤት፡አለ? |
We would like to talk to people about immunization. |
silaa kitevaat kaasogaa mewaayeyaat infendigaalem |
ስለ፡ክትባት፡ከሰዉ፡ጋር፡መወያየት፡እንፈልጋለን? |
We would like to talk to people about sanitization. |
silaa aak-aawawee sidaat kesogaar mewaayeyaat infendigaalem |
ስለ፡አካባቢ፡ጽዳት፡ከሰዉ፡ጋር፡መወያየት፡እንፈል፡ጋለን? |
Is there a medical emergency facility? |
yedin-getinyaa Hekeminaa botaa aala? |
የድንገተኛ፡ህክምና፡ቦታ፡አለ? |
We have to establish a safe working environment. |
deHnaa yohonaa yeseraa bota maft-ar aalaben |
ደህና፡የሆነ፡የስራ፡ቦታ፡መፍጠር፡አለብን? |
We have to hire medical doctors for this facility. |
lezeeKh yehekeminaa derejit dokoroch magta-ar aalaben |
ለዚህ፡የህክምና፡ድርጅት፡ዶክተሮች፡መቅጠር፡አለ፡ብን |
We have to hire nurses for this facility. |
lezeeKh yehekemanaa derejit nersoch magta-ar aalaben |
ለዚህ፡የህክምና፡ድርጅት፡ነርሶች፡መቅጠር፡አለብን |
We have to hire office personnel for this facility. |
lezeeKh derejit yebero saraatinyoch magta-ar aalaben |
ለዚህ፡ድርጅት፡የቢሮ፡ሰራተኞች፡መቅጠር፡አለብን |
We have to hire a custodian for this facility. |
lezeeKh derejit haalafee magta-ar aalaben |
ለዚህ፡ድርጅት፡ሃላፊ፡መቅጠር፡አለብን |
Are the local facilities and personnel able to care for the current casualties without U.S. aid? |
yekaawavyoo yehekeminaa botaa chinaa seraatinyoch yal-amerikaa irdaata baahono letogodood hikimina mast-it neecheeyaaloo? |
ያካባቢው፡የህክምና፡ቦታዎችና፡ሰራተኞች፡ያለ፡አሜሪካን፡እርዳታ፡በአሁኑ፡ለተጎዱት፡ህክምና፡መስጠት፡ይችላሉ? |
Is the local drinking water potable? |
yakaawavyoo wuhaa yemeet-ataano? |
ያካባቢው፡ውሃ፡የሚጠጣ፡ነው? |
Who determined that the water is potable? |
wohaw endimeet-et-aa maano yameragagit-o / yemeewoseno? |
ወሃው፡እንደሚጠጣ፡ማነው፡የሚያረጋግጠው / የሚወስነው? |