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Play Button Who is in charge of repairing roads? Play Button yemin-ged te-genaa haalaafee maano? የመንገድ፡ጥገና፡ሃላፊ፡ማነው?
Play Button Do you have a map of this area? Play Button yezeeKh akaavavee yemerit kaarta aalaachooH? የዞህ፡አካባቢ፡የመሬት፡ካርታ፡አላችሁ?
Play Button We will provide assistance in building roads at this location. Play Button bazeeKh botaa mangad lemesraad irdataa naragaalen በዚህ፡ቦታ፡መንገድ፡ለመስራት፡እርዳታ፡እናረጋለን
Play Button Can you provide a road map of this area? Play Button lezeeKh manged yemereyt kaarta makreb ticheelaalaH? ለዚህ፡መንገድ፡የመሬት፡ካርታ፡ማቅረብ፡ትችላለህ?
Play Button Do you have any machinery for road building? Play Button yemingad masreeya maasheen aalaachooH? የመንገድ፡መስሪያ፡ማሺን፡አላችሁ?
Play Button Do you have any machinery for road repairs? Play Button yemingad mat-egenyaa maashin aalaachooH? የመንገድ፡መጠገኛ፡ማሺን፡አላችሁ?
Play Button We have to set up storage locations for supply materials in the area. Play Button le-aakaawayoo ik-aa lemakrev yemigaazen botaa memasred aalaben ለአካባቢው፡እቃ፡ለማቅረብ፡የመጋዘን፡ቦታ፡መመስረት፡አለብን
Play Button Are there any railroad tracks in this area? Play Button ba-kaawayoo yawabor hadeed manged aala? ባካባቢው፡ይባቡር፡ሃዲድ፡መንገድ፡አለ?
Play Button Do you have transportation facilities in this area? Play Button bezeeH kawawee maganeyaa manged aalaachooH? በዚህ፡አካባቢ፡የመገናኛ፡አላችሁ?
Play Button Are there any airports nearby? Play Button bek-ervoo ya-aaroplaan maarifyaa aalen? በቅርቡ፡የአውሮፕላን፡ማረፊያ፡አለ?
Play Button Are there any landing fields for smaller aircraft nearby? Play Button bek-ervoo yetinish aaroplaan maarifyaa aalen? በቅርቡ፡የትንሽ፡አውሮፕላን፡ማረፊያ፡አለ?
Play Button Are there any pipelines in the area? Play Button ba-akaavabyoo yetoobo masmar aala? ባካባው፡የቱቦ፡መስመር፡አለ?
Play Button Is the pipeline fenced off in this area? Play Button yetoobo masmar k-akaavabyoo patwal? የቱቦው፡መስመር፡ከአካባቢው፡ታጥሩዋል?
Play Button Is the traffic heavy in this area? Play Button ba-akaavabyoo bezoo makinoch yetiraalafaloo? ባካባቢው፡ብዙ፡መኪፋዎች፡ይተላለፋሉ?
Play Button Are there bus lines or trains to travel to other places? Play Button wadeylelaa masmar awtoboos weyn baabur aala? የአውቶቡስ፡ወይም፡የባቡር፡መስመር፡ሌላ፡ቦታ፡የመጉዋዝ፡ይኖራል?
Play Button Are there taxis? Play Button taakseeyoch yeeganyaloo? ታክሲዎች፡ይገኛሉ?
Play Button Do these roads get snowed in during the winter? Play Button kerampt seehon mangadoolaay barado yeenoraal? ክረምት፡ሲሆን፡መንገዱ፡ላይ፡በረዶ፡ይኖራል?
Play Button How many people own motor vehicles in this area? Play Button bezeeKh akaawawee meneehar saawich mekeenaa aalacho? በዚህ፡አካባቢ፡ምንያህል፡ሰዎች፡መኪና፡አላቸው?
Play Button Are there trucking companies nearby? Play Button bak-ervoo yech-eenet maakeenaa derejitoch aaloo? በቅርቡ፡የጭነት፡መኪና፡ድርጅቶች፡አሉ?
Play Button Do you have radio contact with people in other places? Play Button leylaa botaa keminaroo sawachkar yaraadiyon gediniyat aalachooH? ሌላ፡ቦታ፡ከሚኖሩ፡ሰውች፡ጋር፡የሬዲዮ፡ግንኙ፡ነት፡አላችሁ?
Play Button Can you use these roads during the winter? Play Button nezeeKh mangaroch bakramt mat-akem cheelalatoo? እነዚህን፡መንገዶች፡በክረምት፡መጠቀም፡ትችላ ላችሁ?
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