Do not stop if the convoy is attacked! |
konvoy katatatka endataa komoo! |
ኮንቮዩ፡ከተጠቃ፡እንዳታቆሙ! |
Drive a minimum of 3 kms before stopping. |
kemaako-me bafeet byans sost keelometer nidaa |
ከማቆምህ፡በፊት፡ቢያንስ፡ሶስት፡ኪ፡ሎ፡ሜትር፡ንዳ |
Following distance is 100m on open highway. |
kakatemaa wuj mangad laay maakeenaa makatel yematechelaw bemeto meyter rik-at naw |
የከተማ፡ውጭ፡መንገድ፡ላይ፡መኪና፡መከተል፡የምትችለው፡በ100፡ሜትር፡ርቀት፡ነው |
Following distance is 50m in towns. |
ketemaa mangelaay mekeenaa maketel yemechilaw ba-Haamsa meyter rik-at naw |
ከተማ፡መንገድ፡ላይ፡መኪና፡መከተል፡የምትችለው፡በ50፡ሜትር፡ርቀት፡ነው |
When stopped on the road, keep enough space between vehicles to drive around if required. |
kefeete kaalo mekeenaa be-egee ereek-at yoonero minalbat maalef byaasfelege |
ከፊትህ፡ካለዉ፡መኪና፡በቂ፡እርቀት፡ይኑርህ፡ምናልባት፡ማለፍ፡ቢያስፈልግህ፡ |
If you lose sight of the convoy, slow down and wait for a military truck to pass you, and follow it. |
konvoy yemaataayiKh kohone bazigataa qoyenaa yoweta darawee tilig mekeenaa seeyal teketel |
ኮንቮዩ፡የማይታ፡ይህ፡ከሆነ፡በዝግታ፡ቆይና፡የወታደራዊ፡ትልቅ፡መኪና፡ስያልፍህ፡ተከተል |
No weapons. |
mesaareeyaa kilkil naw |
መሳሪያ፡ክልክል፡ነው |
No cell phone use. |
mobaayl silk met-ek am kilkil naw |
ሞባይል፡ስልክ፡መጠቀም፡ክልክል፡ነው |
Do not throw food or water to the locals. |
le megwenaa wohaa aatwarwer |
ለኢራቂያውያን፡ምግብና፡ውሃ፡አትወርውሩ |
No littering or dumping trash on military camps or staging areas. |
yit-or safarenaa madaag-klaay qushaashaa med-aal kilkil naw |
የጦር፡ሰፈርና፡መድረክ፡ላይ፡ቁሻሻ፡መጣል፡ክልክል፡ነው |
Go around any broken down truck in the convoy. |
yetebelaashe konvoy sitaay zirawin ila |
የተበላሸ፡ኮንቮይ፡ስታይ፡ዙሪያውን፡እለፍ |
No flashing beacons. |
yemilikit is-hat maabrat kilkil naw |
የምልክት፡እሳት፡ምብራት፡ክልክል |
Fuel vehicle every time vehicle stops. |
maakeena bek-omaa qut-er nedaaj kid-a |
መኪና፡በቆመ፡ቁጥር፡ነዳጅ፡ቅዳ |
Food is provided at some military camps when available. |
yetawasaloo yet-or sefaroch megiv seenor yak-arbaloo |
የተወሰኑ፡የጦር፡ሰፈሮች፡ምግብ፡ሲ፡ኖር፡ያቀርባሉ |
Bring plenty of food and water with you. |
megvinaa wihaa barket argachooH yaazu |
ምግብና፡ውሃ፡በርከት፡አርጋችሁ፡ያዙ |
If you have to stop for any reason and the convoy continues, wait for help from the military. |
bohone mikniyaat makom kaalabaachoo hunaa konvoy kekat-ala yuwatader irdataa eskeemat-a diras ta-abookoo |
በሆነ፡ምክነያት፡መቆም፡ካለባችሁና፡ኮንቮዩ፡ከቀጠለ፡የወታደር፡እር፡ዳታ፡እስከሚመጣ፡ድረስ፡ጠብቁ |
They will escort you back into position. |
bat-ebek-aa waade botaa eema lasakuwaal |
በጥበቃ፡ወድ፡ቦታ፡ይመልሷችሃል |
No fighting or arguing with any other driver over position in convoy. |
kakonvoy shoofergaal tel-enaa chek-id-ig bavota makneyaat kilkil naw |
ከኮንቮዩ፡ሾፌር፡ጋር፡ጥልና፡ጭቅ፡ጭቅ፡በቦታ፡ምክነያት፡ክልክል፡ነው |
Drive in a single file. |
be-ant masmar nidaw |
በአንድ፡መስመር፡ንዳ |
Be prepared to stop and assist broken down trucks. (Note: This is an instruction for bobtail drivers.) |
yemitikaataloo shooferoych letseberaa kebaad maakeenaa irdaataa lamest-at mawqum tezegaajoo |
የምትከታተሉ፡ሾፌሮች፡ለተሰበረ፡ከባድ፡መኪና፡እራዳታ፡ለመስጠት፡ለማቆም፡ተዘጋጁ |
Report any problems with other drivers to the convoy commander. |
kaaleylaa shoferoychgar chigir kaala lekonvoy aazaazh tenaager |
ከሌላ፡ሾፌሮች፡ጋር፡ችግር፡ካለ፡ለኮን፡ቮዩ፡አዛዥ፡ተናገር |
No drug or alcohol use while driving. |
mat-et-ena maaninyom aadinzaazh iZ maakeenaa seenaloo matekam kilkil naw |
መጠጥና፡ማንኛውም፡አደንዛዥ፡እጽ፡መኪና፡ሲነዱ፡መጠቀም፡ክልክል፡ነው |
Know how to change tires and have proper tools. |
gomaa yamelwud chlotaanaa asfar lagee ye-ij mesaariyaa yenora |
ጎማ፡የመለወጥ፡ችሎታ፡እና፡አስፈላጊ፡የእጅ፡መሳሪያ፡ይኑርህ |
Loads, straps, chains, and tires are the drivers’ responsibility. |
chin-et gemed sensalet naagomaa yashofeyr alaakinet naw |
ጭነት፤ገመድ፤ሰንሰለት፡እና፡ጎማ፡የሾፌሩ፡ሃላፊነት፡ነው |
Check every time the convoy stops. |
konvoy bek-ome qut-er aadtara |
ኮንቮዩ፡በቆመ፡ቁጥር፡አጣራ |