How many people live in this area? |
bezeeKh aakaawawee menyahiZ saw yinoraal? |
በዚህ፡አካባቢ፡ምን፡ያህል፡ሰው፡ይኖራል? |
How many water wells do you have in this area? |
bezeeKh aakaawawee sint yawhaa goodgwad aalaachooH |
በዚህ፡አካባቢ፡ስንት፡የውሃ፡ጉድጉዋድ፡አላችሁ? |
Do you have a sewage system in this area? |
bezeeKh aakaawawee yekushasha toobo aalaachooH? |
በዚህ፡አካባቢ፡የቁሻሻ፡ቱቦ፡አላችሁ? |
How far are the latrines from the water wells? |
shintebeyt kawahaa gudgwaad minyehal yirik-aal? |
ሽንት፡ቤቱ፡ከውሃ፡ጉድጉዋዱ፡ም፡ን፡ያህል፡ይርቃል? |
What type of herds graze in this area? |
men-aynet insisoch naacho iziKh botaa yemeeget-oot? |
ምን፡አይነት፡እንስሶች፡ናችው፡እዚህ፡ቦታ፡የሚግጡት? |
What kind of electrical appliances do people use? |
min-aynet yabeyt eletrik ik-aawech naw saw yemeetakamaw? |
ምን፡አይነት፡የቤት፡ኤሌ ትሪክ፡እቃዎች፡ነው፡ሰዉ፡የሚጠቀመው? |
Do you use electric stoves? |
ye-eletrik mileejaa tit-ekama aachooH? |
የኤሌትሪክ፡ምድጃ፡ትጠ፡ቀማላችሁ? |
Have there been forest fires in the area? |
bezeeKh aakaawawee yit-aakaa is-aat noro yawk-el? |
በዚህ፡አካባቢ፡የጫካ፡እሳት፡ኖሮ፡ያውቃል? |
Are there any gas pipes around here? |
bezeeKh aakaawawee yegaaz tuboch aaloo? |
በዚህ፡አካባቢ፡የጋዝ፡ቱቦዎች፡አሉ? |
Do you use gas to heat homes around here? |
ezeeKh aakaawawee beytin lemamuk gaaz t-ekama laachooH? |
እዚህ፡አካባቢ፡ቤትን፡ለማ፡ሞቅ፡ጋዝ፡ትጠቀማላችሁ? |
Is gas used for cooking? |
megib lemasrad gaaz t-ekama laachooH? |
ምግብ፡ለመስራት፡ጋዝ፡ትጠቀማላችሁ? |
Do you use propane gas tanks? |
bootagaaz t-etkama laachooH? |
ቡታጋዝ፡ትጠቀማላችሁ? |
Where do you get propane gas tanks supplied from? |
bootagaazun tkaayet naw yemitaanyoot? |
ቡታጋዙን፡ከየት፡ነው፡የም፡ታገኙት? |
Is there anyone to inspect home gas appliances? |
yebeyt gaaz aat-akaaka min yemeemememer saw aala? |
የቤት፡ጋዝ፡አጠቃቀምን፡የሚመረምር፡ሰው፡አለ? |
Is there an electrician here? |
eziKh ye-eletrik saree aala? |
እዚህ፡የኤሌትሪክ፡ሰሪ፡አለ? |
Is it by sedimentation? |
ba-zeq-aach naw? |
በመዝቃጭ፡ነው? |
Where is the pumping station? |
ye-pampoo botaayets naw? |
የፓምፑ፡ቦታ፡የት፡ነው? |
How many people are needed to keep the system functional? |
sint saw yasfaalegaal maashnun lemaakaheyt? |
ስንት፡ሰው፡ያስፈልጋል፡ማሺኑን፡ለማካሄድ? |
We've heard that there have been some problems with sewage in this neighborhood. |
bezeeKh safar wust yetibo chigir endaala sentenaal |
በዚህ፡ሰፈር፡ውስጥ፡የቱቦ፡ችግር፡እንዳለ፡ሰምተናል |
Do you have indoor plumbing? |
beyt wust bwaambwaa aalaachooH? |
ቤት፡ውስጥ፡የቧንቧ፡ አላችሁ? |
Have you contacted anyone regarding this problem? If so who? |
selezeeKh chigir saw anagaagrahaal? kahonim maan? |
ስለዚህ፡ችግር፡ሰው፡አናግረ፡ሃል?ከሆነም፡ማን? |
When did you contact them? |
mecheynaw yanagargar kaachaw? |
መቼ፡ነው፡ያናገርካቸው? |
I will report this higher up and see if there is something we can do to fix the sewage problem. |
yeheenin goodaay lebelaay negerey yetebo chigir ya meesaraa endahona aalo? |
ይህን፡ጉዳይ፡ለበላይ፡ነግሬ፡የቱቦው፡ችግር፡የሚሰራ፡እንደሆነ፡አያለሁ |
We will contact the sewage company and find out what is being done to correct the problem. |
yetebo saree derejitun it-aayek-ey yetobon chigir lemisrad min eyatederegaa endohona aat-araalo |
የቱቦ፡ሰሪ፡ድርጅቱን፡ጠይቄ፡የቱቦውን፡ችግር፡ለመስራት፡ምን፡እየተደረገ፡እንደሆነ፡አጣራለሁ |