Let us examine your child in private. |
leejaachuhon levelchaa enmarbaraw |
ልጃችሁን፡ለብቻ፡አንመርምረዉ |
Your child will get better soon. |
leejaachooKh bak-er yeeshaalawaal |
ልጃችሁ፡በቅርብ፡ይሻለዋል |
This medicine will help your child. |
med-haanitoo leejaachahoon yeeradewaal |
መድሃኒቱ፡ልጃችሁን፡ይረዳ፡ዋል |
Did your child eat today? |
leejaachooKh zaarey megib beltwaal? |
ልጃችሁ፡ዛሬ፡ምግብ፡ በልቱዋል? |
Did your child eat yesterday? |
leejaachooKh teenaantenaa megib beltwaal? |
ልጃችሁ፡ትናንትና፡ምግብ፡በልቷል? |
Has your child passed urine today? |
leejaachooKh zaarey shint shentwaal? |
ልጃችሁ፡ዛሬ፡ሽንት፡ሸንቷል? |
Has your child passed any stool today? |
leejaachooKh zaarey segeraa waatwal? |
ልጃችሁ፡ዛሬ፡ሰገራ፡ወቷል? |
Did your child pass any stool yesterday? |
leejaachooKh zaarey segeraa waatwal? |
ልጃችሁ፡ትናንትና፡ሰገራ፡ወቷል? |
Has your child had any diarrhea? |
leejaachooKh traantenaa segreaa waatwal? |
ልጃችሁ፡ተቅማጥ፡አለው? |
Has your child been vomiting? |
leejaachooKh tekmaat? |
ልጃችሁ፡ያስታውከዋል? |
Your child looks healthy. |
leejaachooKh t-enenyaano |
ልጃችሁ፡ጤነኛ፡ነው |
Your child will be fine. |
leejaachooKh deh-naa yeehonaal |
ልጃችሁ፡ደህና፡ይሆናል |
Your child will be ill for a long time. |
leejaachooKh lerejim gizey yitaamemaal |
ልጃችሁ፡ለረጅም፡ግዜ፡ይታ፡መማል |
This illness will pass slowly, but your child's health will return completely. |
besheetaw k-as belo beedinim yeleejaachooKh t-eynenet bedemp yeemelesal |
በሽታው፡ቀስ፡ብሎ፡ቢድንም፡የልጃችሁ፡ጤንነት፡በደንብ፡ይመለሳል |
Feed the child small portions every few hours. |
leejaachahon beteneshoo beteneshoo bayatenish se-aat wust megib sit-oot |
ልጃችሁን፡በትንሹ፡በትንሹ፡በየትንሽ፡ሰአት፡ውስጥ፡ምግብ፡ስጡት |
Help your child drink this every few hours. |
leejaachahoon yeheenin lemaast-et-at bayetinishoo se-aatu irdoot |
ልጃችሁን፡ይህን፡ለማስጠጣት፡በየትንሽ፡ሰአቱ፡እርዱት |
Feed this medicine to your child every four hours. |
baye-aaraat se-aat leleejaachooKh yeheenin med-haaneet sit-oo |
በየአራት፡ሰአት፡ለልጃችሁ፡ይህን፡መድሃኒት፡ስጡ |
Allow your child to sleep. |
leejaachooKh yeetenyaa |
ልጃችሁ፡ይተኛ |
You need to sleep as much as the child does. |
aanchim beledish lik metaantaat aalabish |
አንቺም፡በልጅሽ፡ልክ፡መተኛት፡አለብሽ |
Bring your child back here tomorrow. |
nega keleejaachooKh gaar ezeeKh noo |
ነገ፡ከልጃችሁ፡ጋር፡እዚህ፡ኑ |