Do you have any chest pain or tightness? |
deretehin yeech-enkehaal weyis yaamahaal? |
ደረትህን፡ይጨንቅሃል፡ወይንስ፡ያምሃል? |
Are you having trouble trying to breathe? |
matenfes yaas cheg-erehaal? |
መተንፈስ፡ይስቸግርሃል? |
Do you have chest pain over your entire chest? |
deretehin te-eklaa naw yemyaamuKh? |
ደረትህን፡ጠቅላላው፡ነው፡የሚያምህ? |
Do you have pain from your chest into your arm? |
kaderetiKh estke-ejiKh naw yemyaamuKh? |
ከደረትህ፡እስከ፡እጅህ፡ነው፡የሚያምህ? |
Have you had this type of chest pain before? |
kezeeKh bafeet endezeeKh aaynet yederet himem noroH yawk-al? |
ከዚህ፡በፊት፡እንደዚህ፡አይ፡ነት፡የደርት፡ህመም፡ሮሮህ፡ያዉቃል? |
Do you feel light-headed with the chest pain? |
kaderet Himemgaar raasihin yemehaal? |
ከደረት፡ህመምህ፡ጋር፡ራስህን፡ያምሃል? |
Do you sweat with the chest pain? |
kaderet Himemgaar yaalebehaal? |
ከደረት፡ህመምህ፡ጋር፡ያልብሃል? |
This heart pill may give you a headache. |
yiKh yelib med-haneet raasihin yesaamemiH neecheelal |
ይህ፡የልብ፡መድሃኒቱ፡ራስህን፡ሊያሳምምህ፡ይችላል |
This will go under your tongue. |
yiKh kamelaasiH sir yeehonaal |
ይህ፡ከምላስህ፡ስር፡ይሆናል |
Chew this and swallow it. |
yeehenin aanyekiKh waat |
ይሄን፡አኝከህ፡ዋጥ |