Do you have an identity card? |
yemetaawek-yaa warek-et aaleKh? |
የመታወቂያ፡ወረቀት፡አለህ? |
Show me your identification. |
yemetaawek-yaa warek-etehin aasaaying |
የመታወቂያ፡ወረቀትህን፡አሳየኝ |
Do you have any bad reactions to medications? |
lemid-haanit met-fo wid-eyt aalot? |
ለመድሃኒት፡መትፎ፡ውጤት፡አሎት? |
What is the name of the medication that causes bad reactions? |
yamyaas-haamemhiH medahaanit semoo mendin naw? |
የማይስማማህ፡መድሃኒት፡ስሙ፡ምንድን፡ነው? |
Do you have any allergies to medicines? |
lemid-haanit aalerjee not? |
ለመድሃኒት፡አለርጂ፡ኖት? |