Please wait for an interpreter. |
ebaakot astergwaamee yeet-abakoo |
እባኮት፡አስተርጉዋሚ፡ይ፡ጠብቁ |
Please turn off your camera. |
ebaakotin kaameeraawun yaat-foo |
እባኮትን፡ካሜራውን፡ያጥፉት |
Please turn off your recorder. |
ebaakotin yedims mekjaawun yaat-foo |
እባኮትን፡የድምፅ፡መቅጃውን፡ያጥፉት |
Here is a copy of our ground rules. |
yihey yemeserataawee memereeyaa k-ajee warek-ataachin naw |
ይሄ፡የመሰረታዊ፡መመሪያ፡ቅጂ፡ወረቀታችን፡ነው |
Sign here if you agree to follow the ground rules. |
bezeeKh meserataawee memereeya katismaamaa izeegaa ferim |
በዚህ፡መሰረታዊ፡መመሪ፡ያ፡ከተስማማህ፡እዚህ፡ጋር፡ፈርም |
This is not the public affairs office. |
yehithb goodaay meseryaabeyt aaydelem |
ይሄ፡የህዝብ፡ጉዳይ፡መስሪያ፡ቤት፡አይደለም |
I am not an official spokesperson. |
eney yehegaawee kaalak-abaay balaaset-aan aaydelohum |
እኔ፡የህጋዊ፡ቃል፡አቀባይ፡ባለስልጣን፡አይደለሁም |
He does not wish to give an interview. |
k-aal met-aayek mast-et aayfelegem |
ቃለ፡መጠይቅ፡መስጠት፡አይፈልግም |
She does not wish to give an interview. |
k-aala met-aayek mast-et aatfelegem |
ቃለ፡መጠይቅ፡መስጠት፡አትፈልግም |
Do not take photos here. |
ezeeKh foto maansaat aaychadam |
እዚህ፡ፎቶ፡ማንሳት፡አይቻልም |
Do not take videos here. |
ezeeKh veediyo maansaat aaychadam |
እዚህ፡ቪዲዮ፡ማንሳት፡አይቻልም |
Do not take photos of this place. |
yehinin aakaabaabee foto maansaat aaychadam |
ይህንን፡ኣካባቢ፡ፎቶ፡ማንሳት፡አይቻልም |
Do not take videos of this place. |
yehinin aakaabaabee veediyo maansaat aaychadam |
ይህንን፡ኣካባቢ፡ቪዲዮ፡ማንሳት፡አይቻልም |
Do not take photos of this piece of equipment. |
inazeehin masaareeyowoch foto maansaat aaychalam |
እነዚህን፡መሳሪያዎች፡ፎቶ፡ማንሳት፡አይቻልም |
Do not take videos of this piece of equipment. |
inazeehin masaareeyowoch veediyo maansaat aaychalam |
እነዚህን፡መሳሪያዎች፡ቪዲዮ፡ማንሳት፡አይቻልም |
You cannot enter this area now. |
wadazeeKh botaa aahon megwaat aaychadam |
ወደ፡እዚህ፡ቦታ፡አሁን፡መግባት፡አይቻልም |
For security reasons, I cannot address this question. |
letib-aakaa dihininet gudaay yehinin teeyaak-ey memales aalchilim |
ለጥበቃ፡ደህንነት፡ጉዳይ፡ይህን፡ጥያቄ፡መመለስ፡አልችልም |
I cannot address that question until the investigation is finished. |
mermeraw iskemyaalk diras yehinin teeyak-ey memales aalchilim |
ምርመራው፡እስከሚያልቅ፡ድረስ፡ይህን፡ጥያቄ፡መመለስ፡አልችልም |
We do not discuss personnel or equipment strength with the media. |
kegaazit onyoch gaar yemisareeyanaa yesaraat aanyan haayl aandewayaayim |
ከጋዜጠኞች፡ጋር፡የመሳሪያና፡የሰራተኛን፡ሓይል፡አንወ፡ያይም |
We do not discuss future operations with the media. |
yodefeet yet-eleko siraan kegaazit onyoch gaar aandewaayim |
የወደፊት፡የተልእኮ፡ስራን፡ከጋዜጠኞች፡ጋር፡አን፡ወያይም |
We do not discuss nuclear operations with the media. |
silenookleeyar siraa kegaazit onyoch gaar aandewayaayim |
ስለ፡ኒውክሊየር፡ስራ፡ከጋዜጠኞች፡ጋር፡አንወያይም |
We do not discuss chemical operations with the media. |
silekemeekaal siraa kegaazit onyoch gaar aandewayaayim |
ስለ፡ኬሚካል፡ስራ፡ከጋዜጠኞች፡ጋር፡አንወያይይም |
We do not discuss biological operations with the media. |
silaa bayolojeekaal siraa kegaazit onyoch gaar aandewayaayim |
ስለ፡በዮሎጂካል፡ስራ፡ከጋዜተኞች፡ጋር፡አንወያይም |
We do not have information on this subject. |
silaazeeKh nager minim yeminaakaw nager yelim |
ስለዚህ፡ነገር፡ምንም፡የምናውቀው፡ነገር፡የለም |
Names cannot be released until victims' relatives are notified. |
yetagudood sawoch simzirzir lazimej iskamenager diras aayset-em |
የተጎዱት፡ሰዎች፡ስም፡ዝርዝር፡ለዘመድ፡እስከሚነገር፡ድረስ፡አይሰጥም |